Connection does not exist with nmcli even if scanned with iwlist


There are three different things:

  • an WiFi access point in the scan list. As shown by iwlist wlp3s0 scan or nmcli device wifi list

  • the networking interfaces in your system, like wlp3s0. As shown by ip link show or nmcli device.

  • the connection profiles configured in NetworkManager, as you see them in nm-connection-editor or nmcli connection show.

nmcli con up $CONN expects a connection. You need to create a connection in NetworkManager in order to activate it. Use nm-connection-editor or nmcli connection add and nmcli connection modify. See man nm-settings for what to configure.

You can also try nmcli device wifi connect $ACCESSPOINT which creates a new connection and activates it in one step.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • user123456
    user123456 over 1 year

    I use to run the command to connect to the wifi network m<essid

    nmcli -p con up id myessid

    Sometimes and for unknown reason,

    `nmcli` gives me `Error: Connection 'myessid'

    does not exist even if myessid appeared in

    iwlist wlp3s0 scan | grep ESSID

    I tried to launch service networking restart and other commands without success.

    What can I do in order for nmcli to update its ESSID list?

    • user123456
      user123456 over 7 years
      I'll check the differences between nmcli d wifi list and iwlist wlan0 scanning next time