continuous loop using Find in Excel VBA


Solution 1

Here is a simple code which doesn't loop through Sheet1 cells to find a match. It uses .FIND and .FINDNEXT. More about it HERE.

Place this code in a module and simply run it. This code is based on your sample file.

Sub Sample()
    Dim wsI As Worksheet, wsO As Worksheet
    Dim lRow As Long, i As Long
    Dim sAcNo As String
    Dim aCell As Range, bCell As Range

    '~~> This is the sheet which has account numbers
    Set wsI = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
    '~~> This is the sheet where we need to populate the account numbers
    Set wsO = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")

    With wsO
        lRow = .Range("B" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

        .Range("A1:A" & lRow).NumberFormat = "@"

        For i = 2 To lRow
            Set aCell = wsI.Columns(2).Find(What:=.Range("B" & i).Value, _
                        LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, _
                        SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
                        MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)

            If Not aCell Is Nothing Then
                Set bCell = aCell
                sAcNo = sAcNo & "," & aCell.Offset(, -1).Value

                    Set aCell = wsI.Columns(2).FindNext(After:=aCell)

                    If Not aCell Is Nothing Then
                        If aCell.Address = bCell.Address Then Exit Do
                        sAcNo = sAcNo & "," & aCell.Offset(, -1).Value
                        Exit Do
                    End If
            End If

            If sAcNo <> "" Then
                .Range("A" & i).Value = Mid(sAcNo, 2)
                sAcNo = ""
            End If
        Next i
    End With
End Sub


enter image description here

enter image description here

Hope this is what you wanted?

Solution 2

Here is an example. What I would do is count how many occurrences, and then add another variable to increment for each occurrence, and Loop While Not foundCount >= howManyInRange

Sub FindInRange()

Dim howManyInRange As Long
Dim foundCount As Long
Dim oFindRange As Range
Dim rngSearch As Range
Dim srchVal As String

srchVal = "Steve"
Set rngSearch = Range("D:D")

'## First, check to see if the value exists.'

howManyInRange = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rngSearch, srchVal)

If Not howManyInRange = 0 Then
        Set oFindRange = rngSearch.Find(what:=srchVal, After:=ActiveCell)
        '## Avoid duplicate and infinite loop:'
        foundCount = foundCount + 1
        '## Do your stuff, here.'

        Debug.Print oFindRange.Address

    Loop While Not foundCount >= howManyInRange
End If

End Sub
Our Man in Bananas
Author by

Our Man in Bananas

I am a developer at a Non-Profit organization in London, UK. We mainly work in SQL Server, c#, web-services, and SharePoint, but love using Excel and Excel VBA as well as tinkering with XML/XSLT when the opportunity arises Matt Gemmell: What have you tried? Rubber Duck Debugging How to debug small programs

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Our Man in Bananas
    Our Man in Bananas almost 2 years

    I have the below code, which I am having trouble with:

    Sub getAccNos()
    Dim oNameRange As Range
    Dim oFindRng As Range
    Dim sName As String
    Dim sAccNo As String
    Set oNameRange = Workbooks("New Name Work.xls").Worksheets("Manual").Range("B4")
    Do While Not oNameRange.Text = ""
        sName = Trim(oNameRange.Text)
        Workbooks("New Name Work.xls").Worksheets("sheet1").Select
        Set oFindRng = Cells.Find(What:=sName, After:=activecell)
        Do While Not oFindRng Is Nothing
            oNameRange.Offset(0, -1).Value = oFindRng.Offset(0, 1).Text
            oFindRng.Offset(1, 0).Activate
            Set oFindRng = Cells.Find(What:=sName, After:=activecell)
        Set oNameRange = oNameRange.Offset(1, 0)
    End Sub

    Basically, on worksheet sheet1 I have a list of names with account number, and there can be several account numbers with the same name. On my target sheet, called Manual, I have the names .... but the account numbers are missing and I would like to get them.

    I cannot use VLOOKUP because there are several names that are the same and I need to get a list of all the account numbers. How can I do this?

    I tried to write the above code using FIND in VBA, unfortunately, I am missing something elementary as once in the inside Do Loop it just loops continuously when it should be stepping out (as for the first one there is only one occurrance)

    thanks for showing me what I am doing wrong, or maybe a formula would be better?

  • K_B
    K_B about 11 years
    Philip, if your introduction is sarcasm towards the OP would you please be so kind to alter that? If not, please forgive me for misunderstanding
  • David Zemens
    David Zemens about 11 years
    @K_B Philip is the OP :)
  • Siddharth Rout
    Siddharth Rout about 11 years
    Are you still looking for a solution? If yes then I can post a solution which doesn't use Loops but uses .Find and .FindNext
  • Siddharth Rout
    Siddharth Rout about 11 years
    Ok :) Do you have a sample file I can use? Also do you want code that runs from VBA or a User Defined Function (can be called from worksheet)
  • Our Man in Bananas
    Our Man in Bananas about 11 years
    @SiddharthRout sorry, can't give the file as it's well, people's information, and running it from VBA would be fine.
  • Siddharth Rout
    Siddharth Rout about 11 years
    Yes but you can create dummny names and dummy accoutn number .. say just five rows of data?
  • Our Man in Bananas
    Our Man in Bananas about 11 years
    where would I send the file please?
  • Siddharth Rout
    Siddharth Rout about 11 years
    I will not get the message if you do not add "@" like you did previously. :) You may upload it on and share the link here?
  • Our Man in Bananas
    Our Man in Bananas about 11 years
    @SiddharthRout: here is the link to [download the file with sample data]( Siddharth Rout Help file.xls)
  • Our Man in Bananas
    Our Man in Bananas about 11 years
    +1 this is great thanks, in the one I wrote, there is only one account number per record, but I prefer your solution where all the account nos. are show for each name!
  • Siddharth Rout
    Siddharth Rout about 11 years
    Yeah I based my code on your comment I cannot use VLOOKUP because there are several names that are the same and I need to get a list of all the account numbers. How can I do this?
  • Davesexcel
    Davesexcel over 4 years
    I like this, can you have it so we don't require an active cell?