How to extract the six digit number in a cell string?


Solution 1

Without VBA, you can use the following Excel formula assuming A1 is the cell containing the text.


Solution 2

This formula works for both of your examples:



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pan dong
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pan dong

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • pan dong
    pan dong about 2 years

    I have a column with data:

    New York is really nice, 456983 Good food
    Beijing is awesome 678932, Nice culture.
    ... and so on

    I want to extract the six digit numbers and place it in a column beside the original column.

    There are n rows.

    Is there any way to do this with a formula, without VBA?

    • pan dong
      pan dong over 6 years
      @Carol I already did but i got no help...even from stack exchange questions asked previously
  • pan dong
    pan dong over 6 years
    will this work for any text and 6 digit number in a cell?
  • cbasah
    cbasah over 6 years
    @pandong Yes it will unless your text contains ------ (6 dashes) like ------ is really nice, 456983 Good food
  • pan dong
    pan dong over 6 years
    Thank you so much, after I implement and check i will inform you and accept your answer
  • QHarr
    QHarr over 6 years
    Please make sure all code in box. Leave a line space between the end of text and start of code.
  • pan dong
    pan dong over 6 years
    Thanks but i am to accept the answer i received first
  • pan dong
    pan dong over 6 years
    @ barry houdini Thanks
  • gavin
    gavin over 6 years
    Annoyingly, it wouldnt format the code as required.
  • mschultz
    mschultz over 3 years
    This ALMOST works, but fails on strings like "New York 64 is really nice, 456983 Good food" (where it finds "64 rea", not the 6-digit integer). The OP asks to find the "only 6 digit integer" in the string, but doesn't specify that it must be the first/only integer in the string, only that strings can only contain one 6-d integer. If you know the string contains only one integer (& that integer is 6-d), or that the 6-d integer will always be the first integer in the string, this works great, since it simply looks for the leading edge. In my use case, this was acceptable, so still helpful.
  • zzipper72
    zzipper72 over 2 years
    i needed to extract 5 digit job numbers from full notes, similar to zip code "30005" perfect, so much smaller solution than many posts...thank you