Control layout using graphviz twopi


I have found twopi to be the most difficult to work with of all the graphviz layout engines.

I made a few small changes to your original dot file. The rendered graph is shown below.

Here are the diffs:

graph attributes:

  • size="7.75,10.25"; // ensures that entire graph fits on a single 8.5 x 11 page;

  • orientation="landscape";

  • ranksep=3.0; nodesep=2.0;

  • deleted: "root=root"; and "overlap=true"

edge attributes:

  • i set the edge weight equal to 0.1 for all edges: [weight=0.1]

Reducing the edge weight by 90% for all edges has the net effect of increasing the edge length (or more precisely relaxing the constraint on edge length); obviously, this helps the nodes to "fan out". Doing this also increases the distance between "g" and "root", giving the child nodes of "root" more room.

I also tweaked a few purely aesthetic attributes--not having any effect on the layout, but that to me, seem to matter when you need to draw even a moderately dense graph on a single page:

graph attributes:

fontname="Helvetica"; fontsize=13

node attributes:

"root" [color="goldenrod4", shape="diamond", style="filled"]

"g" [color="lightsteelblue2", shape="diamond", style="filled"]

"ga" [color="darkorange", shape="diamond", style="filled"]

"gaz" [color="bisque4", shape="diamond", style="filled"]

edge attributes:

[arrowsize=0.4, penwidth=1.2] alt text

Author by


my about me is currently blank.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Ami
    Ami about 2 years

    I am trying to draw a graph showing search prefixes using twopi. I have a simple input file and am getting this output:

    alt text (full image)

    Here is the input file:

    digraph search {
    // ordering=out;
    // color=blue;
    // rank=same;
    // overlap=scale;
    a [color=none,fontsize=12];
    b [color=none,fontsize=12];
    c [color=none,fontsize=12];
    d [color=none,fontsize=12];
    e [color=none,fontsize=12];
    f [color=none,fontsize=12];
    #g [color=none,fontsize=12];
    h [color=none,fontsize=12];
    i [color=none,fontsize=12];
    j [color=none,fontsize=12];
    k [color=none,fontsize=12];
    l [color=none,fontsize=12];
    m [color=none,fontsize=12];
    n [color=none,fontsize=12];
    o [color=none,fontsize=12];
    p [color=none,fontsize=12];
    q [color=none,fontsize=12];
    r [color=none,fontsize=12];
    s [color=none,fontsize=12];
    t [color=none,fontsize=12];
    u [color=none,fontsize=12];
    v [color=none,fontsize=12];
    w [color=none,fontsize=12];
    x [color=none,fontsize=12];
    y [color=none,fontsize=12];
    #ga [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gb [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gc [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gd [color=none,fontsize=12];
    ge [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gf [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gg [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gh [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gi [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gj [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gk [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gl [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gm [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gn [color=none,fontsize=12];
    go [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gp [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gq [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gr [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gs [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gt [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gu [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gv [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gw [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gx [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gy [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gaa [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gab [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gac [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gad [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gae [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gaf [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gag [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gah [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gai [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gaj [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gak [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gal [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gam [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gan [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gao [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gap [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gaq [color=none,fontsize=12];
    #gaz [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gas [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gat [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gau [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gav [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gaw [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gax [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gay [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gaza [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazb [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazc [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazd [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gaze [color=none,fontsize=12];
    #gazf [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazg [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazh [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazi [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazj [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazk [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazl [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazm [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazn [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazo [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazp [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazq [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazr [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazs [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazt [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazu [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazv [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazw [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazx [color=none,fontsize=12];
    gazy [color=none,fontsize=12];
    root -> a  [minlen=2];
    root -> b  [minlen=2];
    root -> c  [minlen=2];
    root -> d  [minlen=2];
    root -> e  [minlen=2];
    root -> f  [minlen=2];
    root -> g  [minlen=2];
    root -> h  [minlen=2];
    root -> i  [minlen=2];
    root -> j  [minlen=2];
    root -> k  [minlen=2];
    root -> l  [minlen=2];
    root -> m  [minlen=2];
    root -> n  [minlen=2];
    root -> o  [minlen=2];
    root -> p  [minlen=2];
    root -> q  [minlen=2];
    root -> r  [minlen=2];
    root -> s  [minlen=20];
    root -> t  [minlen=2];
    root -> u  [minlen=2];
    root -> v  [minlen=2];
    root -> w  [minlen=2];
    root -> x  [minlen=2];
    root -> y  [minlen=2];
    root -> 0  [minlen=2];
    root -> 1  [minlen=2];
    root -> 2  [minlen=2];
    root -> 3  [minlen=2];
    root -> 4  [minlen=2];
    root -> 5  [minlen=2];
    root -> 6  [minlen=2];
    root -> 7  [minlen=2];
    root -> 8  [minlen=2];
    root -> 9  [minlen=2];
    root -> "."  [minlen=2];
    g -> ga  ;
    g -> gb  ;
    g -> gc  ;
    g -> gd  ;
    g -> ge  ;
    g -> gf  ;
    g -> gg  ;
    g -> gh  ;
    g -> gi  ;
    g -> gj  ;
    g -> gk  ;
    g -> gl  ;
    g -> gm  ;
    g -> gn  ;
    g -> go  ;
    g -> gp  ;
    g -> gq  ;
    g -> gr  ;
    g -> gs  ;
    g -> gt  ;
    g -> gu  ;
    g -> gv  ;
    g -> gw  ;
    g -> gx  ;
    g -> gy  ;
    ga -> gaa  ;
    ga -> gab  ;
    ga -> gac  ;
    ga -> gad  ;
    ga -> gae  ;
    ga -> gaf  ;
    ga -> gag  ;
    ga -> gah  ;
    ga -> gai  ;
    ga -> gaj  ;
    ga -> gak  ;
    ga -> gal  ;
    ga -> gam  ;
    ga -> gan  ;
    ga -> gao  ;
    ga -> gap  ;
    ga -> gaq  ;
    ga -> gaz  ;
    ga -> gas  ;
    ga -> gat  ;
    ga -> gau  ;
    ga -> gav  ;
    ga -> gaw  ;
    ga -> gax  ;
    ga -> gay  ;
    gaz -> gaza  ;
    gaz -> gazb  ;
    gaz -> gazc  ;
    gaz -> gazd  ;
    gaz -> gaze  ;
    gaz -> gazf  ;
    gaz -> gazg  ;
    gaz -> gazh  ;
    gaz -> gazi  ;
    gaz -> gazj  ;
    gaz -> gazk  ;
    gaz -> gazl  ;
    gaz -> gazm  ;
    gaz -> gazn  ;
    gaz -> gazo  ;
    gaz -> gazp  ;
    gaz -> gazq  ;
    gaz -> gazr  ;
    gaz -> gazs  ;
    gaz -> gazt  ;
    gaz -> gazu  ;
    gaz -> gazv  ;
    gaz -> gazw  ;
    gaz -> gazx  ;
    gaz -> gazy  ;
    gazo -> "Blue Tuesday" ;
    "Blue Tuesday" [ fontsize=10];
    // Layout engines: circo dot fdp neato nop nop1 nop2 osage patchwork sfdp twopi 

    This output is generated with:

    twopi -os1.png -Tpng

    I'm posting here because the printout is pretty dreadful. All of the nodes hung of "gaz" are overlapping; I've tried specifying nodesep and it is simply ignored. I would like to see the lines from root to the single letters further apart, but again, I can't control that.

    This seems to be a bug in twopi. The documentation says it should clearly follow these directives, but it doesn't seem to.

    My questions:

    1. Is there any way to make twopi behave?
    2. Failing that, is there a better layout engine to use?
