convert odex file to dex file


Solution 1

As of 2017-06-09 baksmali has changed. It works like this.

java -jar baksmali-2.2.0.jar d SamsungInCallUI.odex -o SamsungInCallUI

Then assemble the dex file.

java -jar smali-2.2.0.jar ass SamsungInCallUI -o SamsungInCallUI.dex

Solution 2

Try this instead:

java -jar baksmali-2.1.2.jar -c boot.oat -d system/framework/arm/boot.oat -x temp.odex

The specific path to your boot.oat might be different.

Also note that baksmali doesn't yet support deodexing the N preview images.

Author by


Updated on June 18, 2022


  • 임선빈
    임선빈 about 2 years

    I would like to covert odex file to dex file. I already pulled framework folder from system. I tried the following command,

    java -jar baksmali-2.1.2.jar -d system/framework -x temp.odex

    but error was produced - error message is like below.

     Error occurred while loading boot class path files. Aborting. org.jf.util.ExceptionWithContext: Cannot locate boot class path file /system/framework/core.jar
            at org.jf.dexlib2.analysis.ClassPath.loadClassPathEntry(
            at org.jf.dexlib2.analysis.ClassPath.fromClassPath(
            at org.jf.baksmali.baksmali.disassembleDexFile(
            at org.jf.baksmali.main.main(

    I could not find "core.jar" in my android system framework folder.

  • 임선빈
    임선빈 about 8 years
    I tried it but another error was produced. Error occurred while loading boot class path files. Aborting. org.jf.util.ExceptionWithContext: Cannot locate boot class path file boot.oat at org.jf.dexlib2.analysis.ClassPath.loadClassPathEntry(ClassPa‌​ 77) at org.jf.dexlib2.analysis.ClassPath.fromClassPath(ClassPath.ja‌​va:182) at org.jf.baksmali.baksmali.disassembleDexFile(‌​) at at org.jf.baksmali.main.main(
  • 임선빈
    임선빈 about 8 years
    I tried like this. java -jar baksmali-2.1.2.j ar -x -c boot.oat -d system/framework Test.odex -o Test.apk. but error was produced. Error occurred while loading boot class path files. Aborting. org.jf.util.ExceptionWithContext: Cannot locate boot class path file boot.oat at org.jf.dexlib2.analysis.ClassPath.loadClassPathEntry(ClassPa‌​ 77) at org.jf.dexlib2.analysis.ClassPath.fromClassPath(ClassPath.ja‌​va:182) at org.jf.baksmali.baksmali.disassembleDexFile(‌​) at at org.jf.baksmali.main.main(
  • Admin
    Admin about 8 years
    Make sure the file boot.oat is in system/framework this should be the code java -jar baksmali-2.1.2.jar -x -c boot.oat -d system/framework temp.odex -o temp
  • JesusFreke
    JesusFreke about 8 years
    Like I said, the specific path to your boot.oat might be different.
  • 임선빈
    임선빈 about 8 years
    I pulled boot.oat from system/framework and retry it. but same error was reproduced.
  • Admin
    Admin about 8 years
    system/framework is just the path of boot.oat on your PC, if you just pulled system/framework without moving boot.oat then the path would be system/framework/arm, you have to make sure this path leads to boot.oat on YOUR PC. Try this code java -jar baksmali-2.1.2.jar -x -c boot.oat -d system/framework/arm temp.odex -o temp
  • 임선빈
    임선빈 about 8 years
    I tried this with oat2dex. but erro was produced. error message is "OAT Hader Checking..: FAIL! OAT2DEX File Check File FAIL".
  • 임선빈
    임선빈 about 8 years
    Thank you. I successed it for your help.