Converting a Raw g722 File to a .wav with SOX


Solution 1

As per my comment, SOX doesn't support g722.

I ended up creating my own converter using internal codec support within the company I work for. For this reason I can't release that version.

I then re-wrote it using the open source library NAudio.

You can find it here:

You can download a compiled version here:

It requries the .net framework v4.5 to be installed to run.

Solution 2

FFMPEG works well, but the suggested arguments do not work. I used:

ffmpeg  -f g722 -i input.raw -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 16000 output.wav

Options applying to input files should precede the file name, using .wav on the output file defines the format.

Solution 3

FFMPEG can do the job as well

ffmpeg -i g722_input_file.raw -f g722 -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 16000 out.pcm

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Joel Lewis
Author by

Joel Lewis

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Joel Lewis
    Joel Lewis over 1 year

    I am trying to troubleshoot some VOIP issues, and have been capturing the packets for the trouble calls. However my calls are all encoded in g722 and I am having trouble decoding this.

    I have extracted the RTP payload, and have it currently as a raw file. The only information I can find is this link:

    But I cant seem to figure out how to get the g722 raw to a usable wave file. Any points in the right direction would be helpful.

    • Shane Powell
      Shane Powell over 8 years
      I've been down the same track as well. What I found was that SOX doesn't support g722!! I ended up having to write my own converter :(
    • Joel Lewis
      Joel Lewis over 8 years
      @ShanePowell Any chance you want to share with the world?