Could not import local modules in Golang


Solution 1

Read: Ian Lance Taylor's comment (Go's Core Team)

I know of three ways:

  • Method 1 (The best way):
# Inside
# Ch2-GOMS
# │   ├── go.mod
# │   ├── handlers
# │   │   └── hello.go
# │   └── main.go

# In Ch2-GOMS
go mod init

# In main.go
# Add import ""
# But, make sure: 
# handlers/hello.go has a package name "package handlers"

You must be doing something wrong and that's why it's not working.

  • Method 2 (The good way):
# Inside
# Ch2-GOMS
# │   ├── go.mod
# │   ├── handlers
# │   │   └── hello.go
# │   └── main.go

# Inside the handlers package
cd Ch2-GOMS/handlers
go mod init # Generates go.mod
go build # Updates go.mod and go.sum

# Change directory to top-level (Ch2-GOMS)
cd ..
go mod init # Skip if already done
go build # Must fail for
vi go.mod

Inside Ch2-GOMS/go.mod and add the following line:

# Open go.mod for editing and add the below line at the bottom (Not inside require)
replace => ./handlers

# replace asks to replace the mentioned package with the path that you mentioned
# so it won't further look packages elsewhere and would look inside that's handlers package located there itself
  • Method 3 (The very quick hack way for the impatient):

    1. Turn off Go Modules GO111MODULE=off
    2. Remove go.mod file
# Check: echo $GOPATH

# If $GOPATH is set
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/

# If $GOPATH is unset
mkdir -p ~/go/src/
cd ~/go/src/

# Now create a symbolic link
ln -s <full path to your package> handlers

Reason: During the build, the compiler first looks in vendor, then GOPATH, then GOROOT. So, due to the symlink, VSCode's go related tools will also work correctly due to the symlink provided as it relies on GOPATH (They don't work outside of GOPATH)

Solution 2

go mod tidy alone at root folder did it for me

Solution 3

Below are the steps-

on main folder - go mod init
2.go mod tidy
3.go to the folder where main file is present
4.install the package via 
    go get <package name>
5.go build

Before above steps your project path should be

project path = GOPATH/src/<project_name>

Along with there should be 2 more folder parallel with src folder

  • src
  • pkg
  • bin

when ever you install any package it should be go inside pkg folder and after doing go mod tidy there should be one file generated

  • go.mod
  • List item
Ayman Arif
Author by

Ayman Arif

A software engineer. Java, Kotlin, Golang, Javascript, Python, Typescript.

Updated on January 02, 2022


  • Ayman Arif
    Ayman Arif over 2 years

    I am trying to import local modules, but I am unable to import it using go mod. I initially built my project using go mod int

    Note my environment is go1.14 and I am using VSCode as my editor.

    This is my folder structure

    │   ├── go.mod
    │   ├── handlers
    │   │   └── hello.go
    │   └── main.go

    My main.go code:

    package main
    import (
        "" // This gives "could not import" lint error
    func main() {
        l := log.New(os.Stdout, "product-api", log.LstdFlags)
        hh := handlers.NewHello(l)
        sm := http.NewServeMux()
        sm.Handle("/", hh)
        http.ListenAndServe(":9090", nil)

    I cannot see auto-complete for my local modules such as handlers.NewHello.

    go build generated go.mod contents:

    go 1.14

    I am also getting You are neither in a module nor in your GOPATH. Please see for information on how to set up your Go project. warning in VScode, even though i have set GO111MODULE=on in my ~/.bashrc file

  • Ayman Arif
    Ayman Arif about 4 years
    Changed hello.go to handlers.go and it worked. Loved your 2 appraches, 1 right and the other wrong.
  • shmsr
    shmsr about 4 years
    As I told you, it's the quick hack way (obviously, it's incorrect). I use the symlinks so that Go tooling works in VSCode. Also on the second note, the way you solved it now is not gonna scale. What if you several files belonging to the same package, and some more questions. Method 1, will help you in the long run I suppose, right?
  • fIwJlxSzApHEZIl
    fIwJlxSzApHEZIl over 3 years
    If it helps anyone this solution worked for me. I had copied a go.mod and go.sum file from another project along with the code into mine and it kept trying to access files in the other repo. Running go mod init ... fixed the issue.
  • insanely_sin
    insanely_sin over 2 years
    If I want to create a test (hello_test.go) for hello.go inside a test folder, where should that folder be placed (w.r.t Method 2)
  • Grisha
    Grisha almost 2 years
    Method 1. Delete go.mod file before executing go mod init The command go mod init will not execute if go.mod already exists.