Could not parse the Android Application Module's Gradle config


Solution 1

This problem is connected with one or more of your plugins.

Paste this:


to your file.

Now make rebuld. You must see a stacktrace with the problem plugin. Switch off this plugin, sync and try to connect to Firebase again - must be success now.

After successful connection to Firebase you can return your plugins, remove that line from the file and resync. Warning will appear again, but it is not important, because Firebase has configured already.

P.S. In my case I had 2 problem plugins: Sceneform and Crashlytics.

Solution 2

I was also having same problem but I Found The Solution Then To Solve This problem

  • Go To Gradle Scripts Folder
  • Then open build.gradle(Project)
  • Remove the line - "jcenter() // Warning: this repository is going to shut down soon"
  • Click on Connect to Firebase
  • It may ask to build so build the project
  • Then again click on Connect to Firebase
  • The you will be success full to open it

Solution 3

It's quite simple in my case. I'd just changed my compileSdk 32 to compileSdk 31 in build.gradle.

android {
    compileSdk 31

    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "com.example.grocerystore"
        minSdk 21
        targetSdk 32
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"

        testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
Author by


Expert Android Developer worked on a lot of Android applications with high-quality coding and modern design. Self-learning developer, always familiar with the latest technologies used in the work field, and have a strong ability to develop my abilities continuously. Strong background in project management, UX, and customer relations.

Updated on June 13, 2022


  • Eng.OsamaYousef
    Eng.OsamaYousef about 2 years

    I wanna use firebase database but when I clicked on "Connect to firebase" button, I got this problem .... can anyone help me???

    Could not parse the Android Application Module's Gradle config. Resolve gradle build issues and/or resync.
  • Eng.OsamaYousef
    Eng.OsamaYousef about 6 years
    I tried all of them, but the problem didn't solve !!
  • Eng.OsamaYousef
    Eng.OsamaYousef about 6 years
    what exactly "gzips" are??
  • Eng.OsamaYousef
    Eng.OsamaYousef about 6 years
    is this file "google-services.json" maybe the culprit ??
  • Sahil
    Sahil about 6 years
    gzip is compression format i.e files with .gz extension, try again by updating to latest version.