Could not retrieve information from environment production source


Solution 1

Yes, you are not supposed to include the literal files/ in the URL. Instead, it should just be


Solution 2

You may also receive this error with recurse => true if your module name is invalid. For instance, if you have this module structure:

modules ├── my-example │   └── files │   └── example │   └── test.txt

and this resource:

file { "/tmp/example":
  ensure => directory,
  recurse => true,
  source => "puppet:///modules/my-example/example",

you'll get this error:

==> default: Info: Could not find filesystem info for file 'my-example/example' in environment production ==> default: Error: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[default]/File[/tmp/example]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment production source(s) puppet:///my-example/example

The fix is to rename the module—for instance, naming it my_example fixes it. The rules for module names are documented but easy to miss.

Chris Schmitz
Author by

Chris Schmitz

Application engineer at Label Insight, web dev, and maker.

Updated on August 24, 2022


  • Chris Schmitz
    Chris Schmitz over 1 year

    I'm using puppet as my provisioner in one of my vagrant project. I'm trying to add a module for a custom bash_profile.

    The module_path for puppet is set to:

     puppet.module_path = "puppet/modules"

    The class for my bash_profile module looks like this:

    class bash_profile
                ensure => present,
                source => "puppet:///modules/bash_profile/files/bash_profile"

    Here's the file structure for my puppet structure:

    | manifests
    | | phpbase.pp // my main manifest file that has includes for modules
    | modules
    | | bash_profile
    | | | files
    | | | | bash_profile // the actual bash_profile file I want to ensure is present on my VM
    | | | manifests
    | | | | init.pp // the init file included for the bash_profile class

    When I run the provisioning for vagrant, I get the error

    err: /Stage[main]/Bash_profile/File[/home/vagrant/bash_profile]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment production source(s) puppet:///modules/bash_profile/files/bash_profile at /tmp/vagrant-puppet-1/modules-0/bash_profile/manifests/init.pp:8

    I'm not sure why it can't retrieve the information. The path seems to be correct. Can anyone see what I'm missing?

  • Paul Chernoch
    Paul Chernoch almost 10 years
    I just read the same documentation and missed the same point. Four hours trying to get that URL straight! I also tried using file URI's. My colleague said that in the source attribute you need to leave the "file:" off. Not sure about that, but it works for him.
  • Ehtesh Choudhury
    Ehtesh Choudhury over 9 years
    Geez, that definitely flies in the face of what I expect from paths.