Create a new SSH user on Ubuntu Server


Solution 1

Edit (as root) /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Append the following to it:

Port 1234
PermitRootLogin no
AllowUsers jim

Port 1234 causes SSH to listen on port 1234. You can use any unused port from 1 to 65535. It's recommended to choose a privileged port (port 1-1024) which can only be used by root. If your SSH daemon stops working for some reason, a rogue application can't intercept the connection.

PermitRootLogin disallows direct root login.

AllowUsers jim allows user jim to login through SSH. If you do not have to login from everywhere, you can make this more secure by restricting jim to an IP address (replace with your actual IP address):

AllowUsers [email protected]

Changes to the configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config are not immediately applied, to reload the configuration, run:

sudo service ssh reload

Solution 2

SSH is very picky about the directory and file permissions. Make sure that:

  1. The directory /home/username/.ssh has permission "700" and is owned by the user (not root!)
  2. The /home/username/ssh/authorized_keys has permission "600" and is owned by the user

Copy your public key into the authorized_keys file.

sudo chown -R username:username /home/username/.ssh
sudo chmod 0700 /home/username/.ssh
sudo chmod 0600 /home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys

There is NO need to add the user to /etc/ssh/ssh_config.

Solution 3

There will be clues in /var/log/auth.log for why SSH (or PAM) is rejecting the login attempt. Additional clues may be found by using the -v option with the ssh client. Several common situations, some mentioned in the other answers:

  • the user account lacks a password, or is otherwise disabled (see man passwd, try resetting the password or checking the contents of /etc/shadow).
  • /etc/ssh/sshd_config is configured to disallow the login (DenyUsers, AllowUsers, PasswordAuthentication, PubkeyAuthentication, UsePAM etc, see man sshd_config).
  • the user's shell is not listed in /etc/shells.
  • various permission problems on directories or files related to SSH operation: /etc/ssh, /home/jim/.ssh, /home/jim/.ssh/*, etc.

I'd also recommend using adduser (instead of useradd) for adding new users; it is a little more friendly about various default account settings.

As long as the user is not part of the admin group, they will not be able to sudo to root. For them to use su, you will need to set a root password (passwd root), after which I recommend setting PermitRootLogin=no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

Solution 4

I could be wrong but I always have to install the server daemon before I can connect (At least on desktop) ssh is installed by default but that is just the client

this command installs the server

sudo apt-get install openssh-server

You can change the port and stop root login by editing


This requires you to restart the service though.

sudo service ssh restart

Solution 5

Jim will not have SSH access until you have set a password. As root execute:

grep -i "jim" /etc/shadow | awk -F':' '{ print $2 }'

If this command returns a "!" character then login is disabled for this account. Executing passwd jim as root will prompt you for a new and confirmed password string after which the grep command above should return a hashed string representing the password for jim.

Also be sure to verify that jim has a login shell, set by default, and a home directory that exists.

Please note lekensteyn's post for information on modifying SSH server settings.


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Hi, I'm Oli and I'm a "full-stack" web-dev-op. Eurgh. I'm also allergic to jargon BS. I spend most of my professional time writing Django websites and webapps for SMEs. I write a lot of Python outside of Django sites too. I administer various Linux servers for various tasks. I contribute to the open source projects that I use when I can. I'm a full-time Linux user and that has lead to helping other people live the dream. I am an official Ubuntu Member and I earnt my ♦ on SE's own Ask Ubuntu in 2011's moderator election. That's probably where I spend most of my unpaid time. I also run which has been my place to write for the last decade or so. If you need to contact me for extended help, you can do so via my website, just remember that I have bills so if I feel your request is above and beyond normal duty, I might ask for remuneration for one-on-one support. For more social contact, you can usually find me (or just my computer) lurking in the Ask Ubuntu General Chat Room and on Freenode in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-uk under the handle Oli or Oli``.

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Oli
    Oli almost 2 years

    Just created a new virtual Ubuntu server and I'm in the process of hardening it for production use. I currently have a root account. I want to do the following:

    • Create a new user (let's call them jim for the rest of this). I want them to have a /home/ directory.
    • Give jim SSH access.
    • Allow jim to su to root but not perform sudo operations.
    • Turn off root SSH access.
    • Move SSHd off to a non-standard port to help stop brute-attacks.

    My problem lies with the first two items. I've already found useradd but for some reason, I can't log in as a user created with it over SSH. Do I need to beat SSHd to allow this?

    • Admin
      Admin over 13 years
      Hi! I can help you in servers, I don't know what is your problem with SSH, because for me with default config never refuses my connection. You may see man 5 nologin, this writes, that if /etc/nologin exists, you can log in with root only. Try login normally, then write the results.
    • Admin
      Admin over 13 years
      What's the user's shell? Is it /bin/bash? Check that out in /etc/password. Make sure it's not /dev/null or /bin/false.
    • Admin
      Admin over 13 years
      Yes LFC_fan, or /etc/nologin too. Use (sudo) cat /etc/passwd | grep jim
    • Admin
      Admin over 13 years
      @B. Roland I do have a /etc/nologin file but it's empty. I deleted it and restarted ssh but it's still just responding Permission denied, please try again. when I try and log in.
    • Admin
      Admin over 13 years
      @LFC_fan it's /bin/bash
    • Admin
      Admin over 13 years
      Here's the passwd line: jimx:1000:1000::/home/jim:/bin/bash
    • Admin
      Admin over 13 years
      Did you make a typo? There should really be a : between jim and x. Why would you allow su to root, but disallow sudo?
    • Admin
      Admin over 13 years
      Lekensteyn: yeah it's a typo. User isn't really called jim so I've been editing it.. Obviously got carried away there.
    • Admin
      Admin over 13 years
      Can you clarify your third point? Why would you allow root with su, but disallow sudo?
  • Oli
    Oli over 13 years
    This is a virtual server (VPS) so SSH is installed by default. It's my only interface to the server. And you can reload configuration via sudo /etc/init.d/ssh reload instead, but good information nonetheless.
  • vishal.biyani
    vishal.biyani almost 11 years
    Thanks a lot for great answer- specially "adduser" helped a lot!
  • JRG-Developer
    JRG-Developer over 10 years
    +1: Note: these instructions are still applicable to newer versions of Ubuntu (e.g. 13.04). If you do want root login, however, (perhaps you're still setting up the server), you must set PermitRootLogin to yes and also add root to AllowUsers.
  • Gerve
    Gerve about 10 years
    My problem was chown, I created ~./ssh as root and never gave the user ownership.
  • Alex W
    Alex W about 9 years
    My problem was that I was trying to use /root/.ssh/authorized_keys instead of /home/bob/.ssh/authorized_keys.
  • superjos
    superjos about 9 years
    I can confirm: on our VPS hosting there was no need to edit ssh_config. Setting up that directory and file was enough.
  • Wolfpack'08
    Wolfpack'08 over 8 years
    what's the password for this user?
  • Lekensteyn
    Lekensteyn over 8 years
    @Wolfpack'08 The PermitRootLogin no option works exactly as advertised and applies to all logins on any port.
  • Wolfpack'08
    Wolfpack'08 over 8 years
    @Lekensteyn I've found just adding a new user to Ubuntu itself creates an ssh account for that user.... useradd -m -G sudo,adm -s /bin/bash mecharok and passwd mecharok
  • Lekensteyn
    Lekensteyn over 8 years
    @Wolfpack'08 Use AllowUsers username1,username2 to restrict SSH logins to those users. Ensure that sshd is reloaded. If this does not help, please create a new question.
  • Jim W says reinstate Monica
    Jim W says reinstate Monica over 7 years
    For me it had to be chmod 755 /home/username/.ssh otherwise it wouldn't work.
  • bfontaine
    bfontaine about 7 years
    "If this command returns a "!" character then login is disabled for this account" Note this doesn’t mean you can’t SSH; only that you can’t do it with a password (vs. with your public key).
  • B. Shea
    B. Shea over 6 years
    If SSH area not created when adding user -> sudo su --login jim and then execute ssh-keygen (creates ".ssh" directory & id_rsa and for new user Jim - with proper permissions) OP may also want to restrict private key usage with a password here as well. Or, conversely, if you use 'puttygen' to create private key, you can create it with a password. (Then copy bit it tells you to authorized_keys).
  • B. Shea
    B. Shea over 6 years
    Much easier to login as user (or sudo su --login {user}) and run ssh-keygen -> The ".ssh" folder, key+cert and permissions are completed. Just create authorized_keys as per your instructions.
  • Admin
    Admin over 6 years
    you should improve your answer by referencing to a source that better explains your example or by adding relevant information basing your example on OP's original question. for example, the user specified jim as a dummy user to help provide context. the article here explains it well.
  • Ravi Soni
    Ravi Soni about 6 years
    Can I restrict user to particular dir access ?
  • Ladenkov Vladislav
    Ladenkov Vladislav over 5 years
    actually, you don't need to do the /etc/ssh/sshd_config modification
  • İsmail Atkurt
    İsmail Atkurt over 5 years
    I understand your pain :D I had the same issue once. Solution: AllowUsers existingUser@* newUser@*
  • kolaworld
    kolaworld about 4 years
    @Lekensteyn your command: AllowUsers username1,username2 has the wrong format and will lock you out of your server!! The correct command to set is: AllowUsers username1 username2
  • Mark B
    Mark B over 2 years
    D'oh! - watch out for: *****and is owned by the user (not root!)*****
  • Admin
    Admin about 2 years
    For newbies like me, looks like sshd allows all users by default, so only do this if you want to restrict to a subset of users? From the man page: "By default, login is allowed for all users" (