create an alias for `localhost:8080/` as ``


Solution 1

You can add a /etc/hosts entry like the following:

Make sure to use a lo address unused before.

Then you add an iptables rule to redirect the traffic incoming into to

iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080

Solution 2

For doing this on firefox, you can install the Redirector add-on. After installing, restart firefox and then go to Tools > Add-ons > Redirector > Preferences.

Click on "New Redirect...". And in the "Include Pattern" field add or whatever you want the redirection to occur from. And in the "Redirect to" field, add localhost:8000. Type in the "Example URL" field and click "Test pattern" if you want to confirm it works. If you see this:

redirection successful

You will be able to type to go to localhost:8000.


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Rajat Gupta
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Rajat Gupta

A problem solver & enthusiastic programmer looking out for exciting work opportunities. Highly interested in building Android applications, Web development, & Server side coding involving (sql/ nosql) databases & APIs. I love solving problems, building efficient approaches & algorithms. To describe my strong points, I have pretty decent problem solving skills, fast learner & highly motivated & energetic person! Gained good experience in software development in the past 2 years working on numerous android & web development projects with companies like,, Selected among Top three finalists for LinkedIn MTV GetAJob Season 4 for Flipkart as Software Developer Intern among 50k candidates.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Rajat Gupta
    Rajat Gupta almost 2 years

    In ubuntu, I want to create an alias for localhost:8080/ as So that whenever I type in URL field, it shows up from localhost:8080/. What is the easiest way to set this up ? Is there any application that could just do this mapping?

    In windows, I used to use Fiddler2 to achieve the same goals.

    • jobin
      jobin over 10 years
      Do you want this to be browser-independent?
    • saiarcot895
      saiarcot895 over 10 years
    • jobin
      jobin over 10 years
      @saiarcot895: No its not! The OP has given an example for localhost, its not how to rename it.
    • Rajat Gupta
      Rajat Gupta over 10 years
      @Jobin: Preferably yes, but browser dependent may also be acceptable.
    • Rajat Gupta
      Rajat Gupta over 10 years
      @saiarcot895: I also had a look to that question earlier but the answer there doesn't work for port forwarding..
  • Rajat Gupta
    Rajat Gupta over 10 years
    anything similar for chrome as well ?
  • Rajat Gupta
    Rajat Gupta over 10 years
    oops .. that is a redirect solution, not an alias.. sorry I didn't wanted this..
  • jobin
    jobin over 10 years
    @user01: How exactly would it matter?
  • jobin
    jobin over 10 years
    @user01: Did you have a look at the link posted by saiarcot895:
  • Rajat Gupta
    Rajat Gupta over 10 years
    actually it does.. I use domain as alias for localhost while in developemnt mode