Creating an md5 hash of a number, string, array, or hash in Ruby


Solution 1

I coding up the following pretty quickly and don't have time to really test it here at work, but it ought to do the job. Let me know if you find any issues with it and I'll take a look.

This should properly flatten out and sort the arrays and hashes, and you'd need to have to some pretty strange looking strings for there to be any collisions.

def createsig(body)
  Digest::MD5.hexdigest( sigflat body )

def sigflat(body)
  if body.class == Hash
    arr = []
    body.each do |key, value|
      arr << "#{sigflat key}=>#{sigflat value}"
    body = arr
  if body.class == Array
    str = ''! do |value|
      sigflat value
    end.sort!.each do |value|
      str << value
  if body.class != String
    body = body.to_s << body.class.to_s

> sigflat({:a => {:b => 'b', :c => 'c'}, :d => 'd'}) == sigflat({:d => 'd', :a => {:c => 'c', :b => 'b'}})
=> true

Solution 2

If you could only get a string representation of body and not have the Ruby 1.8 hash come back with different orders from one time to the other, you could reliably hash that string representation. Let's get our hands dirty with some monkey patches:

require 'digest/md5'

class Object
  def md5key

class Array
  def md5key

class Hash
  def md5key

Now any object (of the types mentioned in the question) respond to md5key by returning a reliable key to use for creating a checksum, so:

def createsig(o)


body = [
    'bar' => [
    'qux' => 7,
p body.md5key        # => "bar345bazqux7foo123"
p createsig(body)    # => "3a92036374de88118faf19483fe2572e"

Note: This hash representation does not encode the structure, only the concatenation of the values. Therefore ["a", "b", "c"] will hash the same as ["abc"].

Solution 3

These days there is a formally defined method for canonicalizing JSON, for exactly this reason:

There is a ruby implementation here:

Solution 4

Here's my solution. I walk the data structure and build up a list of pieces that get joined into a single string. In order to ensure that the class types seen affect the hash, I inject a single unicode character that encodes basic type information along the way. (For example, we want ["1", "2", "3"].objsum != [1,2,3].objsum)

I did this as a refinement on Object, it's easily ported to a monkey patch. To use it just require the file and run "using ObjSum".

module ObjSum
  refine Object do
    def objsum
      parts = []
      queue = [self]

      while queue.size > 0
        item = queue.shift

        if item.kind_of?(Hash)
          parts << "\\000"
          item.keys.sort.each do |k| 
            queue << k
            queue << item[k]
        elsif item.kind_of?(Set)
          parts << "\\001"
          item.to_a.sort.each { |i| queue << i }
        elsif item.kind_of?(Enumerable)
          parts << "\\002"
          item.each { |i| queue << i }
        elsif item.kind_of?(Fixnum)
          parts << "\\003"
          parts << item.to_s
        elsif item.kind_of?(Float)
          parts << "\\004"
          parts << item.to_s
          parts << item.to_s


Solution 5

Just my 2 cents:

module Ext
  module Hash
    module InstanceMethods
      # Return a string suitable for generating content signature.
      # Signature image does not depend on order of keys.
      #   {:a => 1, :b => 2}.signature_image == {:b => 2, :a => 1}.signature_image                  # => true
      #   {{:a => 1, :b => 2} => 3}.signature_image == {{:b => 2, :a => 1} => 3}.signature_image    # => true
      #   etc.
      # NOTE: Signature images of identical content generated under different versions of Ruby are NOT GUARANTEED to be identical.
      def signature_image
        # Store normalized key-value pairs here.
        ar = []

        each do |k, v|
          ar << [
            k.is_a?(::Hash) ? k.signature_image : [k.class.to_s, k.inspect].join(":"),
            v.is_a?(::Hash) ? v.signature_image : [v.class.to_s, v.inspect].join(":"),


class Hash    #:nodoc:
  include Ext::Hash::InstanceMethods

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I'm a developer for Kynetx, and I love working with mobile, webhooks, and anything to do with the real-time web. I'm a husband and father, and enjoy cycling and woodworking.

Updated on June 17, 2021


  • TelegramSam
    TelegramSam about 3 years

    I need to create a signature string for a variable in Ruby, where the variable can be a number, a string, a hash, or an array. The hash values and array elements can also be any of these types.

    This string will be used to compare the values in a database (Mongo, in this case).

    My first thought was to create an MD5 hash of a JSON encoded value, like so: (body is the variable referred to above)

    def createsig(body)    

    This nearly works, but JSON.generate does not encode the keys of a hash in the same order each time, so createsig({:a=>'a',:b=>'b'}) does not always equal createsig({:b=>'b',:a=>'a'}).

    What is the best way to create a signature string to fit this need?

    Note: For the detail oriented among us, I know that you can't JSON.generate() a number or a string. In these cases, I would just call MD5.hexdigest() directly.

    • Alan
      Alan about 13 years
      If this will be used for any sort of security purposes, please don't use MD5.
    • TelegramSam
      TelegramSam about 13 years
      It is not being used for security purposes, but as a simple comparison via string representation. I don't NEED md5, but it's the closest thing I could think of.
    • mu is too short
      mu is too short about 13 years
      Do you need these values to be the same within a single process or across processes? You could use x.hash (or a combination of x.hash and x.class) if you don't need them to be consistent across processes.
    • TelegramSam
      TelegramSam about 13 years
      As mentioned in the question, I will be storing these values in a database for comparison. I need them to be portable between processes. The comparison needs to be made on the value of the variable, not the specific variable itself.
    • superluminary
      superluminary over 11 years
      Just to expand on Alan's comment, use bcrypt for security purposes. One way hashing with a time cost to prevent brute force attacks.
    • Joe Edgar
      Joe Edgar about 8 years
      Just wanted to note that in Ruby 1.9.3+ this should not be a problem. See:…
  • TelegramSam
    TelegramSam about 13 years
    The strings are not created equal: ruby-1.9.2-p180 :001 > a = {:aa=>"aa",:bb=>"bb"} => {:aa=>"aa", :bb=>"bb"} ruby-1.9.2-p180 :002 > b = {:bb=>"bb",:aa=>"aa"} => {:bb=>"bb", :aa=>"aa"} ruby-1.9.2-p180 :003 > a.inspect => "{:aa=>\"aa\", :bb=>\"bb\"}" ruby-1.9.2-p180 :004 > b.inspect => "{:bb=>\"bb\", :aa=>\"aa\"}"
  • Luke
    Luke about 13 years
    Changed answer to address the ordering issue. Let me know if you can think of any holes in it.
  • TelegramSam
    TelegramSam about 13 years
    This only handles the top Hash, and doesn't address the same issue with Hashes deeper in the structure. Is there a way to get those as well?
  • TelegramSam
    TelegramSam about 13 years
    as noted above, inspect does not predictably order the hash keys. to_yaml behaves the same way.
  • Luke
    Luke about 13 years
    I see what you mean. I'll see what I can come up with and edit my answer.
  • Luke
    Luke about 13 years
    @TelegramSam How does that look?
  • Ganymede
    Ganymede almost 11 years
    Warning: This mutates the original object graph
  • brauliobo
    brauliobo about 5 years
    object#inspect is enough to get a string from any object type