Creating and Update Laravel Eloquent


Solution 1

Here's a full example of what "lu cip" was talking about:

$user = User::firstOrNew(array('name' => Input::get('name')));
$user->foo = Input::get('foo');

Below is the updated link of the docs which is on the latest version of Laravel

Docs here: Updated link

Solution 2

2020 Update

As in Laravel >= 5.3, if someone is still curious how to do so in easy way it's possible by using: updateOrCreate().

For example for the asked question you can use something like:

$matchThese = ['shopId'=>$theID,'metadataKey'=>2001];
ShopMeta::updateOrCreate($matchThese,['shopOwner'=>'New One']);

Above code will check the table represented by ShopMeta, which will be most likely shop_metas unless not defined otherwise in the model itself.

And it will try to find entry with

column shopId = $theID


column metadateKey = 2001

and if it finds then it will update column shopOwner of found row to New One.

If it finds more than one matching rows then it will update the very first row that means which has lowest primary id.

If not found at all then it will insert a new row with:

shopId = $theID,metadateKey = 2001 and shopOwner = New One

Notice Check your model for $fillable and make sure that you have every column name defined there which you want to insert or update and rest columns have either default value or its id column auto incremented one.

Otherwise it will throw error when executing above example:

Illuminate\Database\QueryException with message 'SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field '...' doesn't have a default value (SQL: insert into `...` (`...`,.., `updated_at`, `created_at`) values (...,.., xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx, xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx))'

As there would be some field which will need value while inserting new row and it will not be possible, as either it's not defined in $fillable or it doesn't have a default value.

For more reference please see Laravel Documentation at:

One example from there is:

// If there's a flight from Oakland to San Diego, set the price to $99.
// If no matching model exists, create one.
$flight = App\Flight::updateOrCreate(
    ['departure' => 'Oakland', 'destination' => 'San Diego'],
    ['price' => 99]

which pretty much clears everything.

Query Builder Update

Someone has asked if it is possible using Query Builder in Laravel. Here is reference for Query Builder from Laravel docs.

Query Builder works exactly the same as Eloquent so anything which is true for Eloquent is true for Query Builder as well. So for this specific case, just use the same function with your query builder like so:

$matchThese = array('shopId'=>$theID,'metadataKey'=>2001);
DB::table('shop_metas')::updateOrCreate($matchThese,['shopOwner'=>'New One']);

Of course, don't forget to add DB facade:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;


use DB;

Solution 3

Updated: Aug 27 2014 - [updateOrCreate Built into core...]

Just in case people are still coming across this... I found out a few weeks after writing this, that this is in fact part of Laravel's Eloquent's core...

Digging into Eloquent’s equivalent method(s). You can see here:

on :570 and :553

     * Create or update a record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.
     * @param  array  $attributes
     * @param  array  $values
     * @return static
    public static function updateOrCreate(array $attributes, array $values = array())
        $instance = static::firstOrNew($attributes);


        return $instance;

Old Answer Below

I am wondering if there is any built in L4 functionality for doing this in some way such as:

$row = DB::table('table')->where('id', '=', $id)->first();
// Fancy field => data assignments here

I did create this method a few weeks back...

// Within a Model extends Eloquent
public static function createOrUpdate($formatted_array) {
    $row = Model::find($formatted_array['id']);
    if ($row === null) {
        Session::flash('footer_message', "CREATED");
    } else {
        Session::flash('footer_message', "EXISITING");
    $affected_row = Model::find($formatted_array['id']);
    return $affected_row;

I Hope that helps. I would love to see an alternative to this if anyone has one to share. @erikthedev_

Solution 4

firstOrNew will create record if not exist and updating a row if already exist. You can also use updateOrCreate here is the full example

$flight = App\Flight::updateOrCreate(
    ['departure' => 'Oakland', 'destination' => 'San Diego'],
    ['price' => 99]

If there's a flight from Oakland to San Diego, set the price to $99. if not exist create new row

Reference Doc here: (

Solution 5

Save function:


already do what you want...

Laravel code:

    // If the model already exists in the database we can just update our record
    // that is already in this database using the current IDs in this "where"
    // clause to only update this model. Otherwise, we'll just insert them.
    if ($this->exists)
        $saved = $this->performUpdate($query);

    // If the model is brand new, we'll insert it into our database and set the
    // ID attribute on the model to the value of the newly inserted row's ID
    // which is typically an auto-increment value managed by the database.
        $saved = $this->performInsert($query);

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Author by


Updated on March 23, 2021


  • 1myb
    1myb over 3 years

    What's the shorthand for inserting a new record or updating if it exists?

    $shopOwner = ShopMeta::where('shopId', '=', $theID)
        ->where('metadataKey', '=', 2001)->first();
    if ($shopOwner == null) {
        // Insert new record into database
    } else {
        // Update the existing record
    • Sergiu Paraschiv
      Sergiu Paraschiv almost 11 years
      I'm guessing shopId is not your primary key, right?
    • 1myb
      1myb almost 11 years
      @SergiuParaschiv, yep. it's not
    • cw24
      cw24 almost 9 years
      Check out the answer from @ErikTheDeveloper. It shows a nice embeded eloquent method that should do the job.
    • Mahdi Bashirpour
      Mahdi Bashirpour about 6 years
      The exact same thing is fully answered in the link below…
  • younes0
    younes0 over 10 years
    exactly! 'firstOrNew' also exists in 4.0 (not mentionned in the docs)
  • malhal
    malhal almost 10 years
    There is and it's called firstOrNew / firstsOrCreate
  • Erik Aybar
    Erik Aybar almost 10 years
    @malcolmhall I've updated the answer above. It turns out Eloquent has many features that I've found myself rebuilding ;) Always good to spend some time browsing the docs :)
  • Bibek Shrestha
    Bibek Shrestha almost 10 years
    packagist's 4.2.0 (stable 2014/6/1) doesn't contain updateOrCreate. But one can implement it looking at the source. ModelName::firstOrNew(['param' => 'condition'])->fill(Input::get())->save(); should do it.
  • malhal
    malhal over 9 years
    Just watch out that Laravel doesn't run it as a transaction, so if you have unique keys and another user creates it with the same key simultaneously you may get an exception. I believe that one of the advantages of RedBeanPHP is this type of thing is done in an a transaction for you.
  • Ryu_hayabusa
    Ryu_hayabusa over 9 years
    Also we can check $user is new/retrieved by using if($user->exists).
  • Emil Vikström
    Emil Vikström about 9 years
    That does not look like an atomic upsert operation. If it is not, this might cause race conditions.
  • Relaxing In Cyprus
    Relaxing In Cyprus about 9 years
    Thanks for pointing out the use of fill() That has aided me greatly!
  • Chris Harrison
    Chris Harrison almost 9 years
    @Ryu_hayabusa That would likely cause race conditions
  • John Shipp
    John Shipp over 7 years
    Just a quick note that this should be updateOrCreate instead of createOrUpdate
  • thewaywewere
    thewaywewere about 7 years
    Welcome to SO.Take a look at this how-to-answer for providing quality answer. ---
  • Jason Joslin
    Jason Joslin about 7 years
    Please also tag the framework you are using, php version, database.
  • Sabrina Abid
    Sabrina Abid about 7 years
    i am using Laravel 5.4 ,php7 and mysql
  • AMIB
    AMIB almost 7 years
    This code is to check if model is loaded from DB or is a Memory Based Model. Update or Create needs explicit definition of key columns to be checked and can't be performed implicitly.
  • Marcelo Agimóvel
    Marcelo Agimóvel over 6 years
    Ok but if there's 1000 rows, it will be 1000 queries running?
  • user1204214
    user1204214 about 6 years
    new syntax seems to be updateOrInsert(array $attributes, array $values = []) in 5.5:‌​e/…
  • codingbruh
    codingbruh over 5 years
    Sabrina It's not an ideal solution as a functions already exists in laravel for doing so. But your's is a general solution
  • Saeed Ansari
    Saeed Ansari over 5 years
    Its old school method laravel already has a function for this. See selected answer
  • Sky
    Sky about 5 years
    How about query builder?
  • Abhay Maurya
    Abhay Maurya about 5 years
    What about it ? :)
  • Sky
    Sky about 5 years
    I want to do the same thing with Query Builder. Not Eloquent. Is it possible?
  • Abhay Maurya
    Abhay Maurya about 5 years
    Updated my answer, look for "Query Builder Update" section in the above answer.
  • Swapnil Shende
    Swapnil Shende over 4 years
    I tried DB::table('shop_metas')::updateOrCreate method but this give me following error BadMethodCallException in Macroable.php line 59: Method updateOrInsert does not exist. Even though I use DB;
  • Abhay Maurya
    Abhay Maurya over 4 years
    @SwapnilShende you error says, you are trying to use "updateOrInsert" which doesnt exist in Laravel, its "updateOrCreate"
  • Hafiz
    Hafiz over 4 years
    what was good in not doing this: 1. Delete based on key, and 2. create with new values. These were still 2 operations. is it to save the time to index in case of creation and deletion?
  • RoshJ
    RoshJ almost 4 years
    can we check it using our primary key?