Creating div element with a for Loop


The way you are creating the array is incorrect.

Try this instead:

var count = ['1', '2', '3', '4'];

Note: Inside the for loop, you are creating elements that have the same ID. IDs should be unique.

Also, as mentioned you will want to append to the 'items' div instead of adding a new div with a duplicate id.

I would do something like this:

var count = ['1','2','3','4'];
var container = document.getElementById('items');
for(var i = 0; i < count.length; i++){
    container.append('<div>' + count[i] + '</div>');

And to improve the iteration:

var counts = ['1','2','3','4'];
var container = document.getElementById('items');
counts.forEach(function(count) {
    container.append('<div>' + count + '</div>');

It is rarely necessary to use for(var i = 0; i < x; i++). Using forEach, map or reduce are considerably better (code is more concise, temporary variables are unnecessary etc.).

Author by


Updated on June 26, 2022


  • cord
    cord about 2 years

    This is a really simple question but I don't know why it doesn't work. I have an array with 4 items inside. And I have a container which I would like to insert a number of divs based on the number of items in my array. I used a for loop for this but it is only creating one div. Should it not create 4 of the same div elements?

    This is the code:

    count = new Array['1', '2', '3', '4'];
    container = document.getElementById('items');
    for (i = 0; i < count.length; i++) {
      container.innerHTML += '<div id="items"></div>';
    #items {
      width: 20px;
      height: 20px;
      background: gold;
    <div id="items"></div>

    This is the link

  • cord
    cord over 7 years
    To make sure I understand, I have to remove ID and change it to a Class instead and put VAR in front of my ARRAY container ?
  • Mitchell Carroll
    Mitchell Carroll over 7 years
    Not quite, for the ID issue yes, but for the array issue there's something else underlying that's not right. Arrays are a built-in type in javascript so you don't use new for it, you instead just use an array literal.
  • cord
    cord over 7 years
    Ok cool so I just made the changes and I still get the same result
  • Mihai Alexandru-Ionut
    Mihai Alexandru-Ionut over 7 years
    @cord, look at my answer. In your codepen example there is no element with id items.
  • cord
    cord over 7 years
    Do I have to change document.getElementById
  • cord
    cord over 7 years
    @Alex, Thanks I copied and passed your answer
  • Mihai Alexandru-Ionut
    Mihai Alexandru-Ionut over 7 years
    @cord, don't forget to accept answer in order to help other people.
  • cord
    cord over 7 years
    How would I be able to use each one as an Class / ID if I want to give [3] for example a different background color
  • Mihai Alexandru-Ionut
    Mihai Alexandru-Ionut over 7 years
    Do you want to change the background color for three of squares ?
  • cord
    cord over 7 years
    Yes but the bigger reasoning is the I would like to be able to STYLE each one
  • Mihai Alexandru-Ionut
    Mihai Alexandru-Ionut over 7 years
    Yes, that's possible..i will update my answer in few seconds.
  • cord
    cord over 7 years
    If I have some understanding of how to style one [ 3 ] for example I should be able to target each one
  • cord
    cord over 7 years
    @Alex, Thanks for that code, I would like to get the ID of [ 3 ] from JS and style that ID square [3] in CSS, not JS
  • Mihai Alexandru-Ionut
    Mihai Alexandru-Ionut over 7 years
    Do you want to style every square ?
  • Mihai Alexandru-Ionut
    Mihai Alexandru-Ionut over 7 years
    What do you mean I would like to get the ID of [ 3 ] JS ?