How can I access an array declared in an HTML hidden input from a Javascript function?


Solution 1

Naming a hidden input sq[] doesn't change it into an array. It's still just a text field essentially. You will need to access the field and parse the value as a comma-separated list (or JSON or whatever format you choose).

Assuming you have a form like so:

<form name="form1">
  <input type="hidden" name="sq[]" value="a,b,c,d" />
  <input type="hidden" name="sqjson[]" value='["e","f","g","h"]' />

You can access the values using split [MDN]:

var arr = document.form1['sq[]'].value.split(',');
for (var ii = 0; ii < arr.length; ii++) {

Or using JSON.parse [MDN], which would make more complex objects easier to store in a hidden field:

var arr = JSON.parse(document.form1['sqjson[]'].value);
for (var ii = 0; ii < arr.length; ii++) {

Click here for a working version of this example.

Solution 2

You can store sq array in JSON format in the hidden field.

<input type="hidden" name="sq" value="[]" ></input>

Then using JSON.parse and JSON.stringify you can deserialize from string value to memory object, add/remove values in the array, then storing it back to the hidden field.

var $sq = JSON.parse($("#sq").val());

Without JQuery:

var hf = document.getElementById("sq");
var sq = JSON.parse(hf.value);
hf.value = JSON.stringify(sq);

Then you can pass sq as parameter to functions where needed. Or store it in global variable.

Author by


I am a Web Developer, hungry to learn new technologies, languages. Knows back-end and front-end development. In the field of web development for me it take hardly 2-3 days to learn new technology and start working on that. Current skills are in C, Java, Servlet, JSP, Mysql, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, Bootstrap 3 Javascript, Jquery, AngularJs, salesforce-lightning with aura framework.

Updated on June 14, 2022


    PRASHANT KUMAR about 2 years

    I have declared an array in a hidden input in my HTML form. Now I want to access that array in a Javascript function. For this, I have written the following code:

    <form name="form1">
      <input type="hidden" name="sq[]" ></input>
      <input type="hidden" name="a" ></input>

    And in the Javascript function:

    function myfunction()
      document.form1.a.value=i; // Here, I can access the variable 'a'
                                // (since a is not in the form of array)
      var i;
        document.form1.sq[i].value=i; // Here, I am not able to access array named sq[].
  • FishBasketGordo
    FishBasketGordo almost 10 years
    This solution requires jQuery, which the OP does not appear to be using.
    PRASHANT KUMAR almost 10 years
    @Francois B. i want to first initialize the array and than use this to modify the webpage(by using document.getElementById("id_of_div").innerHTML=sq[i]) in another function.