Creating Dynamic HTML with Javascript


Solution 1

You are trying to use the function document.getElementById("itemInfo"); which looks for the id itemInfo. There is no element with the id itemInfo in your page. Create the div as follows:

<div class="itemInfo" id="itemInfo"></div>

This should help you get a reference of the div element.

EDIT: The Error is in the function, node.insertBefore(new Element,reference Element); is the correct function.

Solution 2

I changed your Javascript to this

function newItem(){  
     newInput="<p>Item: <input type="+"text"+" name="+"item"+"/></p>";

Here's a working FIDDLE

Author by


Updated on July 23, 2020


  • sreisman
    sreisman almost 4 years

    I have been trying to dynamically append HTML input forms using a JS function to a webpage but am having trouble inserting them into the correct location. I have tried to create an empty div tag on line 40:

    <div class="itemInfo"></div>

    However, when I try to locate that tag from within my JS function, with the findElementById() function it seems not to find it. I want to create a copy of the three input forms above the empty tag I created and append them underneath, but no matter what I have tried I have not been able to figure out how to put the forms in that exact location. My JS function is as follows:

    function newItem(){
      var oldInput = document.getElementById("itemInfo");
      var newDiv = document.createElement("INPUT"); = "myinput";
      newDiv.value = "Enter Here";

    Rather than creating the forms again in this function, I would like to duplicate the following and simply append it after itself:

    <p>Item: <input type="text" name="item"/> 
       Qty: <input type="text" name="qty"/>
       Color: <input type="text" name="color"/></p>
        <input type ="button" value="Add Item" onclick="newItem();"/>
        <div class="itemInfo"></div>

    I tried to wrap the three forms in a tag and calling that by Id, but it did not seem to work either, which is why I tried to make an empty tag after it. I have searched everywhere and there is a lot of information regarding similar issues but I can't seem to apply the solutions to my situation. I really appreciate any help. Here is the entire page:

        <!DOCTYPE html>
        <script type ="text/javascript">
          var instance = 0;
        function newItem(){
          var oldInput = document.getElementById("itemInfo");
          var newDiv = document.createElement("INPUT");
 = "myinput";
          newDiv.value = "Enter Here";
        <title>Welcome to New Age Embroidery!</title>
        <style type="text/css">
         body {font-family:sans-serif;color:#4f494f;}
         form input {border-radius: 7.5px;}
         h5 {display: inline;}
         .label {text-align: right}
         .ordersBook {float:left; padding-top: 10px;}
         .name {width:100%;float:left; padding:3px;}
         .wrapper { padding-left: 25px; padding-top: 20px}
       <input type ="button" id="btnAdd" value="Add Item" onclick="newItem();"/>
        <div class = "wrapper">
         <h1>Welcome to New Age Embroidery!</h1>
         <div class="ordersBook_input">
         <form method ="post" class="form" action = "/newguest" method = 'post'>
           Name: <input type="text" name="name"/>
           <p>Item: <input type="text" name="item"/> 
           Qty: <input type="text" name="qty"/>
           Color: <input type="text" name="color"/></p>
            <input type ="button" value="Add Item" onclick="newItem();"/>
            <div class="itemInfo"></div>
           <p>Phone: <input type="text" name="phone"/>
           Email: <input type="text" name="email"/>
           Artwork: <input type="file" name="file"/>
           <p>Quote: <input type="text" name="quote"/></p>
           <p>Notes: <textarea cols="40" rows="10"></textarea>
           <input type="submit" value='Add Order'/>
         <div class ="ordersBook">
          %for name in mynames:
          <div class="name">
          <h5>Name:</h5> {{name['name']}}
           <form action="/view/{{name['_id']}}" method='GET' ><input type="submit" value="View">
           <form action="/remove/{{name['_id']}}" method='POST'> <input type="submit" value="Remove" onClick="confirm('Are you sure you want to permenantly remove this order?')">
    • Johan Nordli
      Johan Nordli almost 11 years
      Change <div class="itemInfo"></div> to <div id="itemInfo"></div> and try again
    • sreisman
      sreisman almost 11 years
      Thank you for that suggestion but I changed it and it still does not add anything to the html form.
    • AnaMaria
      AnaMaria almost 11 years
      Why don't you use innerHTML/outerHTML to create a DIV.
  • sreisman
    sreisman almost 11 years
    Even after adding the id to my <div> tag, once I click the button nothing is updated. The button does work because if I change the function to "document.body.appendChild(newDiv);" it is appended to the document but not in the correct location.
  • Aashray
    Aashray almost 11 years
    The problem with your code is that the function oldInput.insertBefore(newDiv); requires two parameters, node.insertBefore(new Element,reference Element);.
  • sreisman
    sreisman almost 11 years
    Thank you very much for your help I really appreciate it! I want the page to generate a new item field every time the button is pressed however, which is why I was trying to append a new element rather than write new HTML with the innerHTML function. Writing it that way would only allow for the creation of one extra item input.