Customize error message and placement


You can change the default messages for a validation on a per property basis:

test: ko.observable().extend({
        required: {
            params: true,
            message: "This is required"

You can use the validationMessage binding to display the errors wherever you want:

 <span data-bind="validationMessage: test"></span>

And you can use the decorateElement and errorElementClass options (or the other validation bindings) to add some custom classes on your inputs:

    decorateElement: true,
    errorElementClass: 'err'

Demo JSFiddle.

Mr.Wang from Next Door
Author by

Mr.Wang from Next Door

Updated on July 12, 2022


  • Mr.Wang from Next Door
    Mr.Wang from Next Door almost 2 years

    Currently the Knockout-Validation plugin automatically add this HTML element to my web page:

    <span class="validationMessage">This field is required.</span>
    1. I want to change the "This field is required." text.
    2. I want to change the placement of the <span> HTML element.
    3. I want to add a CSS class (.err, specifically) to my textbox so that I can add a red border.

    How can that be done with Knockout-Validation?

  • leigero
    leigero over 9 years
    This fiddle doesn't appear to do anything.
  • nemesv
    nemesv over 9 years
    @leigero yeah, there was a broken link in the fiddle. I've updated it now.