Get nth item from observable array


Have you tried data-bind="text: pdfs()[nth].name"?

Take a look at "Reading information from an observableArray" on this page: If pdfs is an observable array, then to get the underlying array (so that you can index into it using []), you need to call the function. Thus, the ().

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Updated on June 15, 2022


  • Ojame
    Ojame about 2 years

    I'm learning Knockout, and have an pdfs observable array which consists of 4 items. I need the HTML output of the items to look like this:

    Intro Text
    [Item 1].name is located in [Item 1].location
    Some links, other body text
    [Item 2].name is located in [Item 2].location
    [Item 3].name is located in [Item 3].location
    [Item 4].name is located in [Item 4].location

    I've found a few places that reference data-bind="text: pdfs[nth].name" but if I do this I get 'pdfs is not defined' or similar. I realise I could use two foreach loops and the <!-- ko if: $index() == nth --> but surely there has to be a better way?

    It seems like something a few people would want to do, so I hope theres a robust solution. I realise I'm talking about the first item here (and everything else could just be looped out in the foreach), but I'm interested overall for nth (if I want to put say, item 3 somewhere special).

    *I don't really want to create a custom binding, if possible