Decimal to binary algorithm in C


Solution 1

When you print a long you dont print the binary. The best way to convert to binary or show the binary representation of a decimal number is by storing it in a string. Bellow is a solution offered in a another SO answer

void getBin(int num, char *str)
  *(str+5) = '\0';
  int mask = 0x10 << 1;
  while(mask >>= 1)
    *str++ = !!(mask & num) + '0';

Solution 2

If you know the algorithm there's no reason not to use itoa

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main ()
  int n;
  char output[100];

  printf("Enter a number: ");
  scanf("%d", &n);

  itoa(n, output, 2); //2 means base two, you can put any other number here

  printf("The number %d is %s in binary.", n, output);

  return 0;

Solution 3

How does the conversion works?

/* Example: 
   125(10) -----> ?(2)                     125  |_2
                                            -1-   62  |_2
                                                  -0-   31 |_2
                                                        -1-  15 |_2
                                                             -1-  7 |_2
                                                                 -1-  3 |_2
                                                                     -1-  1 */

So in this example the binary number for 125(10) is 1111101(2), and this is the process I describe in my function.

/* Functions declaration (Prototype) */

 int wordCalculator( int * const word, long int number, int base );
    int main( void )
            int i, base;
            int word[ 32 ];
            unsigned long int number;

            printf( "Enter the decimal number to be converted: " );
            scanf( "%ld", &number );
            printf( "\nEnter the new base: " );
            scanf( "%d", &base );

            i = wordCalculator( word, number, base );

            printf( "The number is: " );

            for(; i >= 0; i--){

                if ( word[ i ] <= 9)
                    printf( "%d", word[ i ] );

                    /* 65 represents A in ASCII code. */
                    printf( "%c", ( 65 - 10 + word[ i ] ) );

            printf( "\n" );

        int wordCalculator( int * const word, long int number, int base )
            unsigned long int result = number;
            int i, difference;

            i = 0;
                difference = result % base;
                result /= base;
                *( word + i ) = difference;

                if ( result < base )
                    *( word + i ) = result;

            } while( result >= base );

            return i;

Tudor Ciotlos
Author by

Tudor Ciotlos

Experienced Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology, consultancy and banking industries. I consider myself to be a T-Shaped Developer (a generalizing specialist) with focus on Frontend Development. ⚙️ Skills: Full Stack Web Development with JavaScript (ES5, ES6, ESNext), Angular 2+, React, Electron, Node.js, D3.js, Highcharts, TypeScript, Java, Git, SQL, HTML5, CSS3 and others

Updated on March 21, 2020


  • Tudor Ciotlos
    Tudor Ciotlos over 4 years

    I am trying to use the following algorithm to convert a decimal number to a binary number in C. I don't understand why it doesn't work properly for some inputs (e.g. for 1993 I get 1420076519).

    int aux=x;
    long bin=0;
    while (aux>0)
    printf("%d in decimal is %ld in binary.", x, bin);