Deleting files smaller than a certain size with batch


This is possible by using a for /f statement. The below script will all delete files below 100KB (100,000 bytes) Try this:

@echo off
:: Size is in bytes
set "min.size=100000"

for /f  "usebackq delims=;" %%A in (`dir /b /A:-D *.*`) do If %%~zA LSS %min.size% del "%%A"
Skeleton Bow
Author by

Skeleton Bow

Normal person at day. Drowsy log by night. Un tiens vaut, ce dit-on, mieux que deux tu l'auras.

Updated on June 18, 2022


  • Skeleton Bow
    Skeleton Bow almost 2 years

    Is there any way to delete all files in a specific folder that are smaller than x MB using a batch file?
    I looked at the forfiles command, but it seems like with it you can only delete files that are older than x days.