Deploying a Git subdirectory in Capistrano


Solution 1

Without any dirty forking action but even dirtier !

In my config/deploy.rb :

set :deploy_subdir, "project/subdir"

Then I added this new strategy to my Capfile :

require 'capistrano/recipes/deploy/strategy/remote_cache'

class RemoteCacheSubdir < Capistrano::Deploy::Strategy::RemoteCache


  def repository_cache_subdir
    if configuration[:deploy_subdir] then
      File.join(repository_cache, configuration[:deploy_subdir])

  def copy_repository_cache
    logger.trace "copying the cached version to #{configuration[:release_path]}"
    if copy_exclude.empty? 
      run "cp -RPp #{repository_cache_subdir} #{configuration[:release_path]} && #{mark}"
      exclusions = { |e| "--exclude=\"#{e}\"" }.join(' ')
      run "rsync -lrpt #{exclusions} #{repository_cache_subdir}/* #{configuration[:release_path]} && #{mark}"


set :strategy,

Solution 2

For Capistrano 3.0, I use the following:

In my Capfile:

# Define a new SCM strategy, so we can deploy only a subdirectory of our repo.
module RemoteCacheWithProjectRootStrategy
  def test
    test! " [ -f #{repo_path}/HEAD ] "

  def check
    test! :git, :'ls-remote', repo_url

  def clone
    git :clone, '--mirror', repo_url, repo_path

  def update
    git :remote, :update

  def release
    git :archive, fetch(:branch), fetch(:project_root), '| tar -x -C', release_path, "--strip=#{fetch(:project_root).count('/')+1}"

And in my deploy.rb:

# Set up a strategy to deploy only a project directory (not the whole repo)
set :git_strategy, RemoteCacheWithProjectRootStrategy
set :project_root, 'relative/path/from/your/repo'

All the important code is in the strategy release method, which uses git archive to archive only a subdirectory of the repo, then uses the --strip argument to tar to extract the archive at the right level.


As of Capistrano 3.3.3, you can now use the :repo_tree configuration variable, which makes this answer obsolete. For example:

set :repo_url, ''
set :repo_tree, 'relative/path/from/your/repo' # relative path to project root in repo


Solution 3

We're also doing this with Capistrano by cloning down the full repository, deleting the unused files and folders and move the desired folder up the hierarchy.


set :repository,  "[email protected]:name/project.git"
set :branch, "master"
set :subdir, "server"

after "deploy:update_code", "deploy:checkout_subdir"

namespace :deploy do

    desc "Checkout subdirectory and delete all the other stuff"
    task :checkout_subdir do
        run "mv #{current_release}/#{subdir}/ /tmp && rm -rf #{current_release}/* && mv /tmp/#{subdir}/* #{current_release}"


As long as the project doesn't get too big this works pretty good for us, but if you can, create an own repository for each component and group them together with git submodules.

Solution 4

You can have two git repositories (client and server) and add them to a "super-project" (app). In this "super-project" you can add the two repositories as submodules (check this tutorial).

Another possible solution (a bit more dirty) is to have separate branches for client and server, and then you can pull from the 'server' branch.

Solution 5

For Capistrano 3, based on @Thomas Fankhauser answer:

set :repository,  "[email protected]:name/project.git"
set :branch, "master"
set :subdir, "relative_path_to_my/subdir"

namespace :deploy do

  desc "Checkout subdirectory and delete all the other stuff"
  task :checkout_subdir do

    subdir = fetch(:subdir)
    subdir_last_folder  = File.basename(subdir)
    release_subdir_path = File.join(release_path, subdir)

    tmp_base_folder = File.join("/tmp", "capistrano_subdir_hack")
    tmp_destination = File.join(tmp_base_folder, subdir_last_folder)

    cmd = []
    # Settings for my-zsh
    # cmd << "unsetopt nomatch && setopt rmstarsilent" 
    # create temporary folder
    cmd << "mkdir -p #{tmp_base_folder}"  
    # delete previous temporary files                
    cmd << "rm -rf #{tmp_base_folder}/*"  
    # move subdir contents to tmp           
    cmd << "mv #{release_subdir_path}/ #{tmp_destination}"   
    # delete contents inside release      
    cmd << "rm -rf #{release_path}/*"   
    # move subdir contents to release             
    cmd << "mv #{tmp_destination}/* #{release_path}" 
    cmd = cmd.join(" && ")

    on roles(:app) do
      within release_path do
        execute cmd


after "deploy:updating", "deploy:checkout_subdir"
Jarin Udom
Author by

Jarin Udom

Ruby on Rails / Adobe AIR / Adobe Flex developer specializing in eCommerce and digital media distribution. @jarinfacebook

Updated on June 08, 2022


  • Jarin Udom
    Jarin Udom about 2 years

    My master branch layout is like this:

    / <-- top level

    /client <-- desktop client source files

    /server <-- Rails app

    What I'd like to do is only pull down the /server directory in my deploy.rb, but I can't seem to find any way to do that. The /client directory is huge, so setting up a hook to copy /server to / won't work very well, it needs to only pull down the Rails app.

  • Nazar
    Nazar almost 13 years
    Oh how I wish I could send you a few pints of cooold beer. Thank you!!
  • Matt
    Matt about 12 years
    Perfect. Just what I needed. Thanks!
  • Michiel de Mare
    Michiel de Mare almost 12 years
    Nice! A bit inefficient, but not an ugly hack at least.
  • Michiel de Mare
    Michiel de Mare almost 12 years
    Lighthouse link is broken. I wonder if capistrano implemented this in the meantime.
  • Thomas Fankhauser
    Thomas Fankhauser almost 12 years
    And don't forget to manually symlink the log directory as capistrano doesn't do that automatically anymore..
  • Kevin
    Kevin about 11 years
    For a more efficient approach. There is a gem someone created that adds a deploy strategy "copy_subdir". Only the subdirectory in the repo is archived and copied to the remote server.
  • José Santos
    José Santos about 11 years
    NB. anyone reading, this works if you're already using remote_cache as your :deploy_via mechanism (which relies upon SCM access at the server end.)
  • M. Scott Ford
    M. Scott Ford almost 11 years
    This looks nice! Has anyone baked it into a gem?
  • M. Scott Ford
    M. Scott Ford almost 11 years
    This looks like it might have potential...‌​t
  • leojh
    leojh over 10 years
    I could not set the custom strategy using 'set :git_strategy,' it kept using the DefaultStrategy
  • Tsuneo Yoshioka
    Tsuneo Yoshioka about 10 years
    I also needed to copy and paste "fetch_revision" method from original.(‌​apistrano/…)
  • vcardillo
    vcardillo about 10 years
    See Mr Friendly's comment buried below for Capistrano 3.
  • sarat
    sarat over 9 years
    any idea how we do this role based?
  • Mr Friendly
    Mr Friendly over 9 years
    @TsuneoYoshioka Yes, the "fetch_revision" method was added in Capistrano 3.1. However, 3.1 also added the 'repo_tree' configuration variable, which (happily) makes this answer obsolete. See for details.
  • Altonymous
    Altonymous over 9 years
    :repo_tree was actually added in 3.3.3 not 3.1. For those that see this and it doesn't work for them.
  • chetang
    chetang almost 9 years
    Hi, I am using capistrano 3.4.0 but I am still not able to use :repo_tree variable to make it work. I have a git repo called demo_app which has two sub-dir server and client. I want to use server sub-dir for deployment. How do I set that using :repo_tree? None of these worked:- set :repo_tree, 'demo_app/server' or set :repo_tree, 'server'
  • Jorge Orpinel Pérez
    Jorge Orpinel Pérez almost 9 years
    Accidentally scrolled all the way down and found this. Works for me, +1.
  • Sjors Branderhorst
    Sjors Branderhorst over 8 years
    mentioning the 'git way' does not help anything or anyone.
  • Admin
    Admin over 8 years
    it works fine for me too... thanks +1 I can now deploy api versions v1, v2 , ...
  • leandroico
    leandroico over 7 years
    Thanks for sharing this great solution. I just wonder if this is the right Capistrano way to extend & couple things inside of it. What about the install_plugin method?
  • Anna Völkl
    Anna Völkl over 6 years
    Thanks for the hint regarding set :repo_tree, 'relative/path/from/your/repo' in Capistrano > 3.3.3 :)
  • i_use_the_internet
    i_use_the_internet over 6 years
    I keep getting a load error: require 'capistrano/recipes/deploy/strategy/remote_cache' file not found. I am using Capistrano 3