Developer Tools in Google Chrome not showing


Solution 1

First thing i would try is closing all processes and restarting Chrome and if that doesn't work i would uninstall and reinstall chrome

I know this isn't really an answer but hope it might help


Solution 2

I had the same issue but in my scenario I was on a Virtual Machine with some complex display settings. The procedure here worked for me in other contexts:

  1. You should see the process in the Windows bar on the bottom of your screen.
  2. When you click on it, nothing is shown.

Bring back in the viewport

If the conditions above apply, then the window is simply displayed out of the display viewport. TO bring it back, do the following:

  1. Make sure you have selected the window in the Windows bar.
  2. Hit ALT + SPACE to show the menu
  3. Select "Maximize".
  4. The window should appear in one of your monitors.
  5. Drag it around and resize it.

Solution 3

I fixed this of this way

  • Open chrome dev tools
  • using the chrome page that you need debug press Win + "<" (left arrow)
  • windows ask you which window you want to the right and select chrome dev tool icon, but click should be in the icon instead of the rectangle of the windows

Solution 4

Just had the same problem. The window is apparently minimized. On windows, hold the mouse on the chrome icon in the taskbar, when the thumb shows up, right click on it and select maximize window.

Solution 5

You should try also Ctrl+Shift+I for windows as written on the following doc

Author by


Updated on April 02, 2020


    SAURABH about 4 years

    I'm just moved to windows 10. And have latest version of Google Chrome on it. But whenever I tried to access developer’s tool it shows nothing. I have tried, 1) Right Click + Inspect element. 2) F12. 3) Right corner tab on Google chrome + more tools + developers tool. But none of them working. Please help..... I don't know what is missing.