Disable all non-clustered indexes


Solution 1

You can build the queries into a select statement, like so:


SELECT @sql = @sql + 
'ALTER INDEX ' + sys.indexes.name + ' ON  ' + sys.objects.name + ' DISABLE;' +CHAR(13)+CHAR(10)
    ON sys.indexes.object_id = sys.objects.object_id
WHERE sys.indexes.type_desc = 'NONCLUSTERED'
  AND sys.objects.type_desc = 'USER_TABLE';


Chars 13 and 10 are the line-feed/carriage-returns, so you can check the output by replacing EXEC with PRINT, and it will be more readable.

Solution 2

Build a table variable with the indexes and table names. Use a loop to iterate over them, and execute a dynamic SQL statement for each of them.

declare @Indexes table
    Num       int identity(1,1) primary key clustered,
    TableName nvarchar(255),
    IndexName nvarchar(255)

SELECT  sys.objects.name tableName,
        sys.indexes.name indexName
FROM    sys.indexes
        JOIN sys.objects ON sys.indexes.object_id = sys.objects.object_id
WHERE   sys.indexes.type_desc = 'NONCLUSTERED'
        AND sys.objects.type_desc = 'USER_TABLE'


SELECT @Max as 'max'
SELECT * FROM @Indexes

SET @I = 1

DECLARE @TblName NVARCHAR(255), @IdxName NVARCHAR(255)


WHILE @I <= @Max
    SELECT @TblName = TableName, @IdxName = IndexName FROM @Indexes WHERE Num = @I
    SELECT @SQL = N'ALTER INDEX ' + @IdxName + N' ON ' + @TblName + ' DISABLE;'

    EXEC sp_sqlexec @SQL    

    SET @I = @I + 1


Solution 3

Using a cursor to script things is more idiomatic than a temp table (and slightly briefer). To re-enable the indexes, replace DISABLE with REBUILD.

SELECT  sys.objects.name tableName,
        sys.indexes.name indexName
FROM    sys.indexes
        JOIN sys.objects ON sys.indexes.object_id = sys.objects.object_id
WHERE   sys.indexes.type_desc = 'NONCLUSTERED'
        AND sys.objects.type_desc = 'USER_TABLE'

DECLARE @TblName NVARCHAR(255), @IdxName NVARCHAR(255)


open cur_indexes
fetch next from cur_indexes into @TblName, @IdxName

    SELECT @SQL = N'ALTER INDEX ' + @IdxName + N' ON ' + @TblName + ' DISABLE;'

    EXEC sp_sqlexec @SQL    

    fetch next from cur_indexes into @TblName, @IdxName

close cur_indexes
deallocate cur_indexes
Author by


I give my time here because I get so much more in return. Useful things I've written that might help you: blinq: a modern typescript reimplementation of linq-to-objects over iterable objects BkTree: a c# implementation of a Burkhard-Keller tree for indexing data in metric spaces. ComparerBuilder: A small c# library for easily creating complex IComparer&lt;T&gt; instances that compare multiple properties. See this answer for a rationale. ts-comparer-builder: A typescript library for creating complex "compareFunctions" for use with Array.sort. Very similar to ComparerBuilder above. ts-bin-heap: A typescript binary-heap implementation. Very handy for priority queues, which in-turn are very useful for search algorithms such as A*. Things I've written for other people: pShare client (see also) for Duality solutions: A cross-platform, blockchain and WebRTC based file-sharing platform, written with TypeScript, React and Redux, using electronjs.

Updated on January 30, 2020


  • spender
    spender over 4 years

    I select a number of non-clustered indexes from my database with the following:

    SELECT  sys.objects.name tableName,
            sys.indexes.name indexName
    FROM    sys.indexes
            JOIN sys.objects ON sys.indexes.object_id = sys.objects.object_id
    WHERE   sys.indexes.type_desc = 'NONCLUSTERED'
            AND sys.objects.type_desc = 'USER_TABLE'

    I'd like to run the following over each of the results:

    ALTER INDEX indexName ON tableName DISABLE

    How would I go about doing this? Is there a better way?


    I'm doing this for the purpose of truncating tables, then rebuilding with "ALTER INDEX bla ON table REBUILD". This needs to be automated, so dropping and rebuilding would be a somewhat higher maintenance activity I'd rather avoid. Is this a bad plan? I need a means of emptying tables with minimum overhead.

  • Philip Kelley
    Philip Kelley about 14 years
    But put it in some form of loop (cursor or temp table/WHILE construct), to process each index in turn
  • Daniel Quinlan
    Daniel Quinlan about 14 years
    Good point, but is disabling non-clustered indexes so expensive that it would be necessary?
  • spender
    spender about 14 years
    This only pulls the last result in the set. The declare should be DECLARE @sql AS VARCHAR(MAX)=''; and the select should start SELECT @sql = @sql+'ALTE... to concatenate all the results together. Otherwise, very nice. I'm going to try this now.
  • JNK
    JNK over 13 years
    Disabling a non-clustered index keeps the definition and allows recreate/rebuild about 50% faster the dropping and creating.
  • Zack
    Zack almost 10 years
    You're missing the CURSOR keyword in line 1 I believe. DECLARE cur_indexes CURSOR FOR
  • TarasB
    TarasB about 9 years
    This script is great. It's maybe a different versions of SQL Server. But indexName and tableName do not work for me: Invalid column name 'indexName'. So I used sys.indexes.name and sys.objects.name. I'm using SQL 2012.
  • Daniel Quinlan
    Daniel Quinlan about 9 years
    Thanks @TarasB, I wrote this in 2010 when I was working on a project in MS-SQL 2005. I don't have 2012 in front of me, but you might want to make sure name is unique and that the join will work. Maybe the object_id has been renamed to id or something similar.
  • jumxozizi
    jumxozizi almost 7 years
    Please quote the object names before someone creates a table called "...drop database..." or something. 'ALTER INDEX ' + quotename(sys.indexes.name, '"') + ' ON ' + quotename(sys.objects.name, '"') + ' DISABLE;'.
  • Daniel Quinlan
    Daniel Quinlan almost 7 years
    @Rubiksmomo, well yeah, but aren't you describing a scenario with a rogue db-admin? If someone can already create tables with malicious names, I doubt quoting will save you from the damage they can do.
  • jumxozizi
    jumxozizi almost 7 years
    Yeah, I'm not too worried about the SQL injection. It's just a habit to always block it. It would however be nice if the script worked even when you have an object with some special characters (like space) in the name.