Disabling firebase automatic screen reporting


Solution 1

For 2018, your Info.plist will have entries like this:

  1. Critical: Surprisingly this is in >>> YOUR <<< Info.plist. NOT the OTHER strange plist added by Google!

There are two plists!!!

  1. In this answer I have shown the exact, new, syntax needed - for late 2018.

  2. Edit your plist as "source". Paste in the above. It will not work if you try to use the convenient "value entry" interface in Xcode.

You will at last, finally, see this ...

enter image description here


Unfortunately, the details of this operation seem to be changing from time to time.

So it is uncertain if this precise procedure still works in all cases and in all variations. Good luck!

Solution 2

You should be able to disable the Automatic Screen reporting by adding the plist flag FirebaseScreenReportingEnabled to Info.plist and set its value to NO (Boolean). Note that the value must be a Boolean and not a String.

Google Analytics for Firebase does NOT support the case of manual-only screen reporting. The plist flag FirebaseAutomaticScreenReportingEnabled has been renamed to FirebaseScreenReportingEnabled to reduce that confusion. We support automatic + manual screen reporting or no screen reporting at all.

Solution 3

For 2020

On iOS, set FirebaseAutomaticScreenReportingEnabled to NO in your info.plist. On Android, set google_analytics_automatic_screen_reporting_enabled to false in your manifest.

Solution 4

In info.plist file.



and make sure its value is Boolean

and make it to



Solution 5

Make Sure that you changed the Type of the Key to "Boolean" (Not a String)


Author by


Updated on November 29, 2021


  • ilan
    ilan over 2 years

    Is there a way to disable Firebase analytics automatic screen reporting?

    I have a few UIViewCOntroller's that i don't want to be reported.

    So i want to manage the screen reporting my self.

    Setting FirebaseAutomaticScreenReportingEnabled to NO didn't work


  • Manuel
    Manuel almost 7 years
    I try to switch from Google Analytics to Firebase and realized Automatic Screen Reporting in Firebase does not work in all cases. It depends on how the view controllers are managed. In my case it also tracks screens that are invisible to the user because they are temporarily out of window bounds. It should be possible to disable automatic screen tracking and only track manually in order to no corrupt the metrics.
  • JeffRegan
    JeffRegan almost 7 years
    I spent too long trying to get this to work. Add FirebaseScreenReportingEnabled to your project's Info.plist. Adding it to the GoogleService-Info.plist didn't work.
  • Darko
    Darko over 6 years
    Is there also a way to turn off all automatic analytics events? Such as "first_open", "session_start", etc... we have our own system and do not want the additional noise. Thanks.
  • AniV
    AniV over 6 years
    Take a look at the "disable analytics collection" doc firebase.google.com/support/guides/disable-analytics
  • pbodsk
    pbodsk almost 6 years
    Note that it says info.plist. As @JeffRegan says above "I spent too long trying to get this to work. Add FirebaseScreenReportingEnabled to your project's Info.plist. Adding it to the GoogleService-Info.plist didn't work". Well...add me to that list :)
  • Fattie
    Fattie almost 6 years
    precisely @pbodsk , notice it is YOUR Info.plist! Not the whacky one added by Google. Please note also that I have in this answer put the EXACT, NEW, SYTNAX which you must use.
  • pbodsk
    pbodsk almost 6 years
    and it worked perfectly, I could copy and paste your code and all was well, so thank you for this :)
  • R. Mohan
    R. Mohan over 5 years
    i did the same, but it is not working, still throwing the error "<AppMeasurement>[I-ACS036001] Analytics screen reporting is disabled. UIViewController transitions will not be logged."
  • iadcialim24
    iadcialim24 over 5 years
    @Fattie would you know the equivalent of these to Android?
  • Fattie
    Fattie over 5 years
    @iori24 that's a great question, unfortunately I do NOT as I have not worked closely with Firebase for a year or so. Seasons greets anyway .. cheers
  • MacDeveloper
    MacDeveloper over 2 years
    I took type as Boolean and entered NO, it automatically takes it as 0
  • Asi Givati
    Asi Givati almost 2 years
    @Fattie so now, in 2022, what is the correct key? FirebaseScreenReportingEnabled. or FirebaseAutomaticScreenReportingEnabled? i have some issue that analytics show me (not set) for all my screens so i want to set these properties to true, so maybe it will fix the issue. i also though to add FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled and set it also to true for any case... none of these properties that i mention are exist in my plist, and now i want to add them.
  • Fattie
    Fattie almost 2 years
    @AsiGivati unfortunately I have not a clue :/ It is a fulltime job keeping up with Firebase' shenanigans. :/