Firebase Analytics setScreenName deprecated


Solution 1

This is the code to rewrite the deprecated method:

Replace this line:

Analytics.setScreenName(screenName, screenClass: nil)

With this line:

Analytics.logEvent(AnalyticsEventScreenView, parameters: [AnalyticsParameterScreenName: screenName])

Solution 2

I did it in this way:

Deprecated code

Analytics.setScreenName(name, screenClass: className)

new code

Analytics.logEvent(AnalyticsEventScreenView, parameters: [AnalyticsParameterScreenName: name,
                                                          AnalyticsParameterScreenClass: className])

Solution 3

Just in case it can help someone, here is the Objective-C version:

[FIRAnalytics logEventWithName:kFIREventScreenView parameters: @{kFIRParameterScreenName: screenName}];

Solution 4

Here is the Android version:


Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.SCREEN_NAME, screenName);
bundle.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.SCREEN_CLASS, screenClass);
bundle.putString(MyAppAnalyticsConstants.Param.TOPIC, topic);
mFirebaseAnalytics.logEvent(FirebaseAnalytics.Event.SCREEN_VIEW, bundle);


val bundle = Bundle()
bundle.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.SCREEN_NAME, screenName)
firebase.logEvent(FirebaseAnalytics.Event.SCREEN_VIEW, bundle)

Solution 5

extension Analytics
    static func setScreenName(_ screenName:String, screenClass:String)
        Analytics.logEvent(AnalyticsEventScreenView, parameters: [AnalyticsParameterScreenName: screenName,AnalyticsParameterScreenClass:screenClass])

Simple add this extension in your project no need to change anything after this

Rool Paap
Author by

Rool Paap

Hi, I’m Rool, a senior freelance iOS developer, working on internet, web, app, mobile and tablet projects since 1997. With over 20 years of experience in software development, I consider myself to be a well rounded professional.

Updated on June 20, 2022


  • Rool Paap
    Rool Paap about 2 years

    In version 6.29.0 of Firebase Analytics the method

    class func setScreenName(_ screenName: String?, screenClass screenClassOverride: String?)

    is deprecated. The hint given is to Use +[FIRAnalytics logEventWithName:kFIREventScreenView parameters:] instead.

    My question is what is the parameter for screenName? How do I rewrite my helper method:

    import FirebaseAnalytics
    func setScreenName(_ screenName: String) {
        Analytics.setScreenName(screenName, screenClass: nil)
  • Rool Paap
    Rool Paap almost 4 years
    Ah, I missed the AnalyticsParameterScreenName part. Thanks!
  • MavBzh
    MavBzh over 3 years
    Hi, sorry to ask this question but since you manually log the event (in your answer), isn't there a problem of data duplication due to Firebase automatic event collect. Screen views won't be logged twice?
  • Anilkumar iOS - ReactNative
    Anilkumar iOS - ReactNative over 3 years
    @Laura, I have tried this but I am getting following error, Can you help us…
  • Anilkumar iOS - ReactNative
    Anilkumar iOS - ReactNative over 3 years
    I tried this but, for me showing following error Use of unresolved identifier 'AnalyticsEventScreenView' Use of unresolved identifier 'AnalyticsParameterScreenName' Any Suggestions?
  • Anilkumar iOS - ReactNative
    Anilkumar iOS - ReactNative over 3 years
    Hi @Laura I tried your suggestions, But I am getting following errors Use of unresolved identifier 'AnalyticsEventScreenView' Use of unresolved identifier 'AnalyticsParameterScreenName' Even I am using latest version of analytics from firebase using pods, Any suggestions?
  • Harsh Phoujdar
    Harsh Phoujdar almost 3 years
    Which file do we replace this in?
  • StormFoo
    StormFoo almost 3 years
    You can also add kFIRParameterScreenClass to your parameters to replace screenClass.
  • Kowboj
    Kowboj about 2 years
    @MavBzh you should place it in viewDidAppear, if you don't, Firebase (used to) automatically send it, with a "not set" screen name. Perhaps they changed it recently
  • Kowboj
    Kowboj about 2 years
    @AnilkumariOS-ReactNative you probably need to import FirebaseAnalytics in this file, or use "kFIRParameterScreenName".