Display Chips and Text in multiple rows with flutter


You need to wrap Tag 1 and text 1 in a Row, and all in a Column. And some ajustment in chip size. For default it expand all line from screen.

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Updated on December 05, 2022


  • aksn
    aksn over 1 year

    I am trying to display chips and long lines of text wrapped in multiple lines inside of a row.

    This is wrong

    I want it like this, except for the label and the aligned on the same line.

    My current code:

            return new Column(
              mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
              children: <Widget>[
                new Wrap(
                  spacing: 8.0,
                  runSpacing: 4.0,
                  direction: Axis.horizontal,
                  children: <Widget>[
                    new Tag(tagLabel: 'Chip1'),
                    new Text('This is a very, very long text that should wrap. The second line should be shown below the first chip!'),
                    new Chip(label: new Text('Chip2')),
                    new Chip(label: new Text('Chip3')),
                    new Chip(label: new Text('Chip4')),
                    new Chip(label: new Text('Chip5')),
                    new Chip(label: new Text('Chip6'))

    Any idea?

    • Rémi Rousselet
      Rémi Rousselet about 6 years
      Such complex text layout is not available yet. Only rectangle boxes are available.
    • Codered
      Codered over 4 years
      WidgetSpan did the trick for me. See this post.