Display classes containing deprecation Android Studio


Solution 1

If it helps someone else heres the answer to my question:

If you go to Analyze -> Inspect Code...

When your project has been inspected click on Code maturity issues and tada, there is a list of all Deprecated API usages :)

UPDATE: May 2021

Deprecation warnings are now found under your respective language.

Kotlin -> Migration -> Usage of redundant or deprecated syntax or deprecated symbols

Kotlin deprecation

Java -> Code maturity

Java deprecation

Solution 2

Follow below steps: Go to Analyze -> Run Inspectinon By Name ->type Deprecated API Usage

Solution 3

Looking at How to recompile with -Xlint:deprecation, add into root build.gradle:

allprojects {
    gradle.projectsEvaluated {
        tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
            options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
            options.compilerArgs << "-Xlint:deprecation"

or in build.gradle.kts:

allprojects {
    gradle.projectsEvaluated {
        tasks.withType<JavaCompile> {

Then start in Terminal:

./gradlew lint

or in Gradle menu:

enter image description here

It will show warnings, but also can fail after 3 errors:

Caused by: org.gradle.api.GradleException: Lint found errors in the project; aborting build.

Fix the issues identified by lint, or add the following to your build script to proceed with errors:

android {
    lintOptions {
        abortOnError false

The first 3 errors (out of 4) were:

Adding these lines in app/build.gradle won't help. You should fix all errors and try to launch Lint again.

If you have many errors, you can show all of them:

android { 
    lintOptions { 
        // abortOnError false 
        // if true, stop the gradle build if errors are found
        isAbortOnError = false
        // if true, show all locations for an error, do not truncate lists, etc.
        isShowAll = true
Author by


I enjoy programming and the problem solving that comes with it! Currently I'm working with Andriod.

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • hopeman
    hopeman almost 2 years

    I updated my project to the latest Android APIs and the project now has multiple deprecated methods. Does Android Studio have a cool way of listing all classes containing said methods, such as the TODO window? I know I can go through every class and search methodically through the code, but I would rather like to make it easy on myself.

  • Faisal T
    Faisal T over 6 years
    Please make sure your minSdkVersion value is proper. This tool will show all the deprecated APIs in source code below the minSdkVersion value.
  • CoolMind
    CoolMind over 3 years
    It doesn't show deprecated methods ("Code maturity issues" is not listed).