Do services other than Facebook use Open Graph?


Solution 1

The answer appears to be yes... sort of.

Since Open Graph is an open protocol of sorts, it's not meant to be Facebook specific. And it appears that while not all vendors may respect the tags yet, most do.

Take Pinterest for example. If you use the "Pin" button provided by AddThis, it will use the "og:image", "og:description", and "og:url" tags. However, through my own experimentation, the Pinterest bookmarklet and adding directly through their site does not appear to use the open graph metadata.

As for Google Plus, that's answered here. Basically, they give "" the highest weight, but if they do not exist they will fall back on open graph tags, and if they do not exist they will fall back on page content, like "title", etc.

Solution 2

The Open Graph protocol is supported by a wide range of social platforms which includes:

  1. Facebook
  2. Pinterest Developers
  3. Linkedin
  4. Twitter
  5. Google Plus

Solution 3 also parses Open Graph tags (see an example here), thus (possibly) also their customers, such as: TweetDeck,, hunch, Yammer, Reddit, etc.

Author by


I primarily work as an engineer maintaining large corporate sites on Java based stacks. I'm also currently working on some independent projects using Rails.

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • JasonStoltz
    JasonStoltz about 2 years

    Will other services other than Facebook use Open Graph tags when scraping the page for sharing information?

    Meaning, if I have an AddThis button (for example) on a page, which allows sharing to Facebook, Google+, and Pinterest etc., will any of the other services also honor those meta tags? Or is generally something we do specifically for Facebook?