Social Share Links with Custom Icons


Solution 1

Social link URL’s









Google Bookmarks[URL]&title=[title]&annotation=[DESCRIPTION]


Solution 2

Just a quick update on these links, here's a link for Google+[URL]

Now, if you want those links to open in a new window, just add this javascript code after the href's:

onclick=",'', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=600,width=600');return false;"

This javascript code works with Twitter, Google+ and Facebook (maybe some other, but I haven't tested any other social networks).

Example for WordPress:

<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" onclick=",'', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=600,width=600');return false;">Here you can add text, image, whatever.</a>

Solution 3

The solution suggested by Grzegorz is deprecated and it's not really the best way to do it. For Facebook, you just need to load the JS SDK ( ) and call the UI feed method on click on your custom button. More details on the UI method:

For Twitter:

You will have other options for LinkedIn, Google+, etc. but I don't know them from the top of my head and not sure if of all them offer alternatives.

Keep searching, you probably just didn't dig deep enough, it took me 2 minutes to find the link for Twitter :)

Solution 4

Your required social media custom share links are provided below.



Google +[EncodedURL]



You can find some other social media custom URL links and implementation guide from here - How to Create Custom Social Share Links

Solution 5

For Facebook sharing you can simply add this link to any object:

<a href="<url to share>
&t=<title of content>">link or image</a>

For the rest: Sorry, but I cannot help you.

Author by


A long time lover of bright lights, loud noises, and shiny magic boxes. An uncomfortable generalist, serial entrepreneur, free thinker, and fullstack tinkerer, I love design, code, writing, speaking and more than anything else learning. Beyond that, or as a formal student of marketing and business management, I'm interested and passionate about film, food, music, installation art, and travel.

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • bigmadwolf
    bigmadwolf almost 2 years

    I'm looking for any solid current information on creating custom share icons for the following.

    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Google +
    • LinkedIn
    • Pinterest

    All the documentation I keep getting to seems to be about using THEIR social like / share buttons - which most of the time I think are not very appealing. Things like socialite.js help to deal with some of the other issues that arrise when using the "native" like / share buttons (sorry not sure what else to call them), but they're not very pretty to be honest.

    Any reference material / tutorials or guidance would be awesome.


  • bigmadwolf
    bigmadwolf almost 12 years
    thanks, can you point me in the direction of any documentation regarding this ?
  • bigmadwolf
    bigmadwolf almost 12 years
    nice, will keep looking, didn't come across that twitter link myself but part of why I'm posting this question is for exactly the kind of info you mentioned regarding the depreciated link - collective wisdom FTW.
  • Andrew Barber
    Andrew Barber over 11 years
    That's not what was being asked for; OP was asking for information on creating "custom share icons".
  • bigmadwolf
    bigmadwolf over 11 years
    @Andrew, while you're kind of correct, these links are the direct links one would use or would have used with custom icons, THOUGH, as has been discussed below, at least the facebook link shown above is already depreciated, and Google Buzz? do they even still run Google Buzz ? lol.
  • Awlad Liton
    Awlad Liton over 11 years
    Hi @Baskaran , please send me google plus services url please.
  • Baskaran
    Baskaran over 11 years
    @AwladLiton code<a href="{URL}" onclick=", '', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=6‌​00,width=600');retur‌​n false;"><img src="" alt="Share on Google+"/></a>code
  • Baskaran
    Baskaran over 11 years
    @AwladLiton For reference
  • Anidhya Ahuja
    Anidhya Ahuja over 10 years
    @Baskaran thank you for all the links together. however can you pls tell me how to open them up in a popup window..should i create my own using javascript?
  • lharby
    lharby over 10 years
    I believe this code is cut and paste from the web, and also what is the solution in terms of technology (php, javascript etc).
  • bigmadwolf
    bigmadwolf almost 10 years
    these are just straight basic anchor tag links which si what I was after, I originally had some concerns as facebooks sharer.php was marked as deprecated, but testing this recently I have found that it still works just fine.
  • bigmadwolf
    bigmadwolf almost 10 years
    originally down voted this as that link is marked for deprecation but some time on now it still works just fine.
  • Dex
    Dex almost 10 years
    Be sure the url parameters are fully escaped. Tumblr is the only one I've come across so far that won't work otherwise.
  • Igor Jerosimić
    Igor Jerosimić over 9 years
    Website with up to date share links for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and Pinterest:
  • Meg
    Meg over 9 years
    Here's a website with how to integrate these urls with your theme, in case you're using WordPress:…
  • Suneel Kumar
    Suneel Kumar over 8 years
    Really nice, it helped me.
  • Yonn Trimoreau
    Yonn Trimoreau almost 8 years
    Thank you very much.. Really appreciated <3
  • Marcio
    Marcio almost 6 years
    @Baskaran Any idea how to make work with a URL that contains # hashtag? Like ??
  • HoldOffHunger
    HoldOffHunger about 4 years
    2020, APRIL UPDATE: This no longer works, try it out yourself:… If you want well-maintained URL's, try out a github project.