Doctrine manyToMany return PersistentCollection instead of ArrayCollection


Just use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection interface instead of ArrayCollection. ArrayCollection and PersistentCollection implement this interface.

Doctrine uses PersistentCollection for lazy loading entities. You are right, using EAGER is not always a good solution - it can cause perfomance issues.


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Thomas Piard
Author by

Thomas Piard

Symfony2 developer

Updated on November 18, 2020


  • Thomas Piard
    Thomas Piard over 3 years

    I'm working with Symfony 3.1 and Doctrine 2.5.

    I setup a manyToMany relationship as I always do :

                targetEntity: Acme\MyBundle\Entity\PlaceService
                    name: place_place_service
                            referencedColumnName: id
                            referencedColumnName: id

    And add methods to my Entity

        protected $placeServices;
        public function __construct()
            $this->placeServices = new ArrayCollection();
         * @return ArrayCollection
        public function getPlaceServices(): ArrayCollection
            return $this->placeServices;
         * @param PlaceServiceInterface $placeService
         * @return PlaceInterface
        public function addPlaceService(PlaceServiceInterface $placeService): PlaceInterface
            if(!$this->placeServices->contains($placeService)) {
            return $this;
         * @param PlaceServiceInterface $placeService
         * @return PlaceInterface
        public function removePlaceService(PlaceServiceInterface $placeService): PlaceInterface
            if($this->placeServices->contains($placeService)) {
            return $this;

    The thing is, when I load my entity, doctrine put a PersistentCollection in the $this->placeServices property. This does not sound like a big problem, except that when I build a form to connect those two entities (a simple multiple checkboxes with symfony form type), when $form->handleRequest() is triggered, Doctrine try to inject the new data in my entity, and throw an error if get/add/remove method are not using ArrayCollection.

    I can force my getter/add/remove methods to transforme the PersistentCollection to ArrayCollection (using unwrap method) but then the relations made are not persisted.

    I've found a workaround, if I set fetch="EAGER" on the relation the property is initialized with ArrayCollection, and the relation are persisted. But i'm not sure it's a good solution.

    Thanks :)

    • galeaspablo
      galeaspablo almost 8 years
      Could you update with your symfony form and the exact error message?
  • Thomas Piard
    Thomas Piard almost 8 years
    Thanks, i get the idea.