Draw text inside a filled rectangle using Canvas Android


Solution 1

Here i have hardcoded x and y values. You can change them

        mpaint= new Paint();
        paint2= new Paint();
        paint2.setTextSize(50);  //set text size
        float w = paint2.measureText(s)/2;
        float textSize = paint2.getTextSize();

        protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
            canvas.drawRect(300-w, 300 - textsize, 300 + w, 300, mpaint);
            canvas.drawText(s, 300, 300 ,paint2); //x=300,y=300    

Edit :

Its bad a idea to call measureText in onDraw. You can do that outside of onDraw.

There is a video on also about performance and why you should avoid allocations in onDraw. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAK5acHQ53E

Resulting snap shot

enter image description here

Solution 2

If you have to center the text inside de rect you have use this code

    mpaint= new Paint();
    paint2= new Paint();
    paint2.setTextSize(50);  //set text size
    float w = paint2.measureText(s)/2;
    float textSize = paint2.getTextSize();

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
        Rect rect = new Rect(300-w, 300 - textsize, 300 + w, 300);
        canvas.drawRect(rect, mpaint);
        canvas.drawText(s, rect.centerX(), rect.centerY() ,paint2); // center text inside rect

enter image description here

Arjun Kanti
Author by

Arjun Kanti

Updated on October 25, 2020


  • Arjun Kanti
    Arjun Kanti over 3 years

    How to draw a filled rectangle with specified bounds and inside that rectangle text to be drawn using Canvas Android ?? I tried

    canvas.drawText(mText, x, y, mPaint);
    canvas.drawRect(x, y, x + w, y + h, mPaint);

    but text is not inside of that rectangle. Can any buddy tell me how to draw a rectangle surrounding specified text with consideration of text size ??

  • Arjun Kanti
    Arjun Kanti over 11 years
    Sorry forgot to mention, the rectangle should cover only text area and the position and text size may change dynamically. Depends on the text size and length i 've to draw rectangle ??
  • vikki_logs
    vikki_logs almost 9 years
    Why is there an empty space in the drawn rectangle? drawtext by default uses some top padding, if yes how to avoid that?
  • Raghunandan
    Raghunandan almost 9 years
    @AlexanderFarber it must be copy paste mistake. I copied the code from the editor. I forgot and take that out.
  • Raghunandan
    Raghunandan almost 9 years
    @vikki_logs you can always play with the values. left , right ,top and bottom to get it right. this is just a sample
  • Alexander Farber
    Alexander Farber almost 9 years
    Still bad solution to call measureText() in onDraw(), twice.
  • Raghunandan
    Raghunandan almost 9 years
    @AlexanderFarber agree i answered this long back and i will rectify this soon.
  • Raghunandan
    Raghunandan almost 9 years
    @AlexanderFarber edited and post a link that also explains why we should avoid allocations in onDraw and thanks for pointing out the mistake.
  • Nainal
    Nainal over 6 years
    What if textsize is greater than 300??, In this case text gets cut from left.
  • Raghunandan
    Raghunandan over 6 years
    @Nainal measure the text height and width and then draw the rect stackoverflow.com/questions/3654321/…