DrawerNavigator: Change Background Color


Solution 1

React Navigation provides a way for you to override the default configuration by using contentOptions after declaration of screens and screenNames.

Using your above example, changing the background color will go thus:

const Drawer = DrawerNavigator(
    dOne: {screen: Screen1},
    dTwo: {screen: Screen2},
    initialRouteName: 'dOne',
    contentOptions: {
       style: {
        backgroundColor: 'black',
        flex: 1

Things to Note:

1) ContentOptions should be declared outside the screen block. Declaring it within will mean that it is a screen (kind of obvious right?!).

2) Drawer itself is a screen and by adding style to contentOptions you can carry out any styling as you would have done in any component.

3) Using backgroundColor without the flex: 1 will just wrap the color around your content but when flex is included, it matches up the entire screen.

Solution 2

it's working , put in 'createDrawerNavigator' like that

const MyDrawerNavigator = createDrawerNavigator({

  Home:  MyHomeScreen,    
Notifications: MyNotificationsScreen,

drawerOpenRoute : "DrawerOpen",

drawerCloseRoute: "DrawerClose",

drawerToggleRoute: "DrawerToggle",

drawerBackgroundColor: "#f4511e"

Solution 3

        drawerStyle: {
          backgroundColor: '#c6cbef',
          width: 240,
      {/* screens */}

You can check https://reactnavigation.org/docs/screen-options/

Solution 4

It can be done by using the drawerStyle prop of the navigator.

Like so -

const Drawer = createDrawerNavigator()

export default function App() {
  return (
          backgroundColor: '#111',
          activeTintColor: '#fff', /* font color for active screen label */
          activeBackgroundColor: '#68f', /* bg color for active screen */
          inactiveTintColor: 'grey', /* Font color for inactive screens' labels */
        <Drawer.Screen name="dOne" component={dOneScreen} />
        <Drawer.Screen name="dTwo" component={dTwoScreen} />

Solution 5

The only solution I see is to custom you drawer. You have the contentComponent option that let you custom it. For example :

const DrawerOptions = {
  contentComponent: CustomDrawerContentComponent,  
  drawerWidth: 300,

const CustomDrawerContentComponent = (props) => (
  <View style={styles.container}>
    <View style={styles.DrawerHeader}>
    <View style={styles.DrawerItems}>
    <DrawerItems {...props} />

You can then add the style you wish as your custom background color. Hoping it will help you !


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Jake Chasan
Author by

Jake Chasan

Jake Chasan is an Investment Banker at Goldman Sachs in New York. In his free time, he writes code to help entrepreneurs, small businesses, and volunteer organizations succeed. Proficient at C, C++, Objective-C, Swift, Java, PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Assembly. He holds a certification from Oracle. Please go to jakechasan.com to find out more.

Updated on May 26, 2022


  • Jake Chasan
    Jake Chasan almost 2 years

    On react-navigation's DrawerNavigator, is there a way to change the background color?

    By default, the color scheme looks like the following: react-navigation color

    Which is initialized by the following:

    export const Drawer = DrawerNavigator({
        dOne: {
          screen: Screen1,
        dTwo: {
          screen: Screen2,
  • Pratik Singhal
    Pratik Singhal about 6 years
    What if we want to use custom icons for each route ?
  • roshnet
    roshnet over 3 years
    You can add the drawerIcon prop in <Drawer.Screen>, and pass a (say) Ionicons element as value.
  • Mohammad Fahad Rao
    Mohammad Fahad Rao over 2 years
    not working i am using import { createDrawerNavigator } from '@react-navigation/drawer';