Dynamic Flot graph - show hide series by clicking on legend text or box on graph


Here's a quick example I put together for you.

somePlot = null;

togglePlot = function(seriesIdx)
  var someData = somePlot.getData();
  someData[seriesIdx].lines.show = !someData[seriesIdx].lines.show;

var data = [
    label: 'foo',
    color: 'red',
    data: [[1, 300], [2, 300], [3, 300], [4, 300], [5, 300]],
      idx: 0},
    label: 'bar',
    color: 'blue',
    data: [[1, 800], [2, 600], [3, 400], [4, 200], [5, 0]],
      idx: 1},
    label: 'baz',
    color: 'yellow',
    data: [[1, 100], [2, 200], [3, 300], [4, 400], [5, 500]],
      idx: 2},
    label: 'dart',
    color: 'green',
    data: [[1, 500], [2, 350], [3, 400], [4, 700], [5, 50]],
      idx: 3}

somePlot = $.plot($("#placeholder"), data, {
    series: {
        lines: {
            show: true
    legend: {
        labelFormatter: function(label, series){
          return '<a href="#" onClick="togglePlot('+series.idx+'); return false;">'+label+'</a>';
Author by


Updated on June 05, 2022


  • user1908522
    user1908522 about 2 years

    I am working on dynamic flot graph with 3 series. My need is to hide/show series when clicked on legend. I have seen different examples that will work fine for static graphs but for dynamic graph, even it works first time but when graph is updated with new data values then everything is displaying with default options. once I hide the series, I want it to be hided until I click again to show it.

    Here is my code. Basically, I am fetching data from JSON and updating the flot graph dynamically in 10 sec intervals. so new data will be shown every 10 sec and this is where the series is showing back again.

     <div id="placeholder4" style="width:1000px;height:300px;background:#C89175"></div>
     <script type="text/javascript">
         $(function() {
             somePlot = null;
             togglePlot = function(seriesIdx)
                  var someData = somePlot.getData();
                  someData[seriesIdx].lines.show = !someData[seriesIdx].lines.show;
    // Initilizaiton of Series and Counter
             var i = 0;
             var data_Total = [[], [], []];
             // data_Total[0] : Stip Data
             // data_Total[1] : Decline Data
             // data_Total[2] : Volume Data
    //Setting Options for Graph Display
             var options = {
                 points: { show: true },
                 //legend: {toggle: true },
                 series: {
            lines: { show: true }
                  legend: {
            labelFormatter: function(label, series){
              return '<a href="#" onClick="togglePlot('+series.idx+'); return false;">'+label+'</a>';
                grid: {backgroundColor: "#FCFCFC", labelMargin:12,hoverable: true,tickColor:"#AD5C5C" },
                  xaxis: { mode: "categories", show:true,color:"white",axisLabel:'Time Series' },
                             yaxis:{show:true,color:"white",min:0,max:10000,axisLabel:'Total/ Stip/ Decline'}
    //Function that will be called recursively with specified Time Interval
             function fetchData() {
    //Function that will push data in to Series1 thru an ajax call
                 function getDPSStipData(series) {
                     var stipItem = [series.data[i][0], series.data[i][1]];
                     url: "./JSon/stipdpssec.json",
                     method: 'GET',
                     dataType: 'json',
                     success: getDPSStipData
    //Function that will push data in to Series2 thru an ajax call
                 function getDPSDeclineData(series) {
                     var declineItem = [series.data[i][0], series.data[i][1]];
                     url: "./JSon/declinedpssec.json",
                     method: 'GET',
                     dataType: 'json',
                     success: getDPSDeclineData
    //Function that will push data in to Series3 thru an ajax call
                 function getDPSTotalVolumeData(series) {
                     var totalVolItem = [series.data[i][0], series.data[i][1]];
                     url: "./JSon/totaldpssec.json",
                     method: 'GET',
                     dataType: 'json',
                     success: getDPSTotalVolumeData
    //Moving forward the ticks if size > 10
                 if (data_Total[0].length > 10)
                     data_Total[0] = data_Total[0].splice(1,10);
                     data_Total[1] = data_Total[1].splice(1,10);
                     data_Total[2] = data_Total[2].splice(1,10);
    // Plotting of Graph
                 //$.plot($("#placeholder4"), [{ data: data_Total[2], label: "TotalVolume"},{ data: data_Total[0], label: "Stip",yaxis:2 }, { data: data_Total[1], label: "Decline",yaxis:2 }], options);
     somePlot=$.plot($("#placeholder4"), [{ data: data_Total[2], label: "TotalVolume",idx:0},{ data: data_Total[0], label: "Stip",color: "green",idx:1 }, { data: data_Total[1], label: "Decline",color:"red",idx:2 }], options);
    setInterval(fetchData, 10000);
  • user1908522
    user1908522 over 11 years
    This code is working but showing the series back again when this realtime graph refresh after 10 sec with new data point. My need is to hide the series on the graph until I click on the legend again. Please let me know
  • Mark
    Mark over 11 years
    How are you refreshing your graph? If you want people to help you, you have to supply enough information...
  • user1908522
    user1908522 over 11 years
    Hi Mark, I have posted the details and code. Did you get chance to look at it
  • Mark
    Mark over 11 years
    @user1908522, just looked at it. The problem is you are recreating the plot on each ajax success. This overwrites the "visibility" of the line. You should draw the plot once and then use the getData and setData methods to update the data. If you recreate it each time, you'll have to set the line to visible or not in your $.plot call.
  • user1908522
    user1908522 over 11 years
    Hi Mark, You are right, I am calling plot each time with some interval time. You mention about 'set line to visible or not on $.plot' so I selected a series then that line become invisible and I have to make it invisible until I click again on it. Can you let me know how pass the status of series line to the plot when I call it next time
  • shorif2000
    shorif2000 over 8 years
    I have tried this, seriesIdx is undefined. I have multiple graphs being loading using a function. Only thing that changes between each graph is data and div id
  • shorif2000
    shorif2000 over 8 years
    @Mark if it is a bar chart how can i get the top bars to drop down?
  • Mark
    Mark over 8 years
    @bonez, I don't understand the question.
  • shorif2000
    shorif2000 over 8 years
    @Mark please see jsfiddle.net/shorif2000/8kyz6jr3 Once it is hidden how can the bars be restacked
  • shorif2000
    shorif2000 over 8 years
    @Mark Thanks.. working now. What if i wanted to make the legend color transparent on show/hide?