dynamic table name in select statement


Solution 1

I would suggest you to define a view in which you select from all history tables using union all and each time the tables are renamed you modify the view as well.

create OR replace view history_data as 
SELECT id, name, data_column_1, data_column_2  FROM history_table_01
union all 
SELECT id, name, data_column_1, data_column_2  FROM history_table_02
union all 
SELECT id, name, data_column_1, data_column_2  FROM history_table_03

then you can simle SELECT * FROM history_data;

you can build the view dynamicaly with the help of the following statment:

SELECT 'SELECT id, name, data_column_1, data_column_2  FROM ' || table_name || ' union all ' 
FROM  user_tables 
WHERE table_name like 'HISTORY_TABLE_%'     

Solution 2

you can use ref cursor but i wouldn't recommend it. it goes like this

create table tab_01 as select 1 a , 10 b from dual;
create table tab_02 as select 2 a , 20 b from dual;
create table tab_03 as select 3 a , 30 b from dual;

create or replace function get_all_history
return sys_refcursor
   r sys_refcursor;
   stmt varchar2(32000);
   cursor c_tables is
           select  table_name
           from    user_tables
           where   table_name like 'TAB_%';
   for x in c_tables loop
           stmt := stmt || ' select * from ' || x.table_name ||' union all';
   end loop;
   stmt := substr(stmt , 1 , length(stmt) - length('union all'));
   open r for stmt;
   return r;

SQL> select get_all_history() from dual;



         A          B
---------- ----------
         1         10
         2         20
         3         30
Author by


Updated on July 03, 2020


  • user1588433
    user1588433 almost 4 years

    I have a series of history tables in an oracle 9 database. History_table_00 contains last months data, History_table_01 contains the month before, and History_table_02 the month before that. Next month, History_table_02 will automatically get renamed to history_table_03, history_table_01 renamed to history_table_02, history_table_00 renamed to history_table_01, and a new history_table_00 will be created to gather the newest history (I really hope I am making sense).

    Anyway, I need to write a select statement that will dynamically select all history tables. I am hoping this won't be too complicated because they all share the same name, just appended with sequential number so I can discover the table names with:

    select table_name from all_tables where table_name like 'HISTORY_TABLE_%';

    My standard query for each table is going to be:

    select id, name, data_column_1, data_column_2 from history_table_%;

    What do I have to do to accomplish the goal of writing a sql statement that will always select from all history tables without me needing to go in every month and add the new table? Thanks for anything you guys can provide.

  • user1588433
    user1588433 almost 11 years
    thanks @SeanPrice, don't know what my solution is yet. I'll give yours a whirl and see.
  • user1588433
    user1588433 almost 11 years
    thanks @schurik. But, having to go in manually every month an modify a view is exactly what I am trying to avoid.
  • schurik
    schurik almost 11 years
    how do you rename/create the tables?, you can integrate the create veiw statment in that process.
  • user1588433
    user1588433 almost 11 years
    that's a good suggestion. I'll bring that up with the guy who owns the process and see what he can do.