Eclipse 3.6 Helios for Ubuntu 10.10


Solution 1

Try this:

To install eclipse on ubuntu you need to download it first from Extract the downloaded file by right click on it and extract here or running the following:

tar xzf dir/eclipse-SDK-

Where eclipse-SDK- is your eclipse-SDK name with version and dir is the directory of eclipse-sdk.

Now move it to the root directory. Apply the following command to do this.

sudo mv dir/eclipse ~

Now you are ready to configure your eclipse. To do this follow the following step by step...

sudo mv eclipse /opt/

Take care of the permissions:

sudo chmod -R +r /opt/eclipse
sudo chmod +x /opt/eclipse/eclipse

Create an executable in your path:

sudo touch /usr/bin/eclipse
sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/eclipse
sudo gedit /usr/bin/eclipse

Copy the following content and save the file:

export ECLIPSE_HOME="/opt/eclipse"
$ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse $*

Let’s also make eclipse executable everywhere by creating a symlink:

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/eclipse /bin/eclipse

Create the menu icon:

sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop

Type in this content and save:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Eclipse IDE

Run for the first time:

eclipse -clean

You can now start Eclipse by simply typing eclipse in the terminal or from the GNOME menu Applications -> Programming -> Eclipse

Solution 2

At least, you still have the manual install, which leaves your current Eclipse3.5 untouched (allowing you to go back to it if 3.6 gives you too much troubles)

To get your 3.6 download running:

  • Unzip the download into a directory you have complete control of, usually a directory under your username, preserving folders.
  • Create a shortcut to the eclipse executable, usually in the resulting "eclipse" folder.
  • Run the program using the resulting shortcut.
  • When your new eclipse install starts, point to your existing workspace.
    You can continue with both 3.5 and 3.6 installed using the same workspace, or you can remove 3.5 by deselecting it from your software management program (one of several ways).

Alexander Pogrebnyak actually points out in the comment:

workspace cannot round trip 3.5->3.6->3.5.
The usual solution is to keep 3.5 and 3.6 versions of workspace in different directories.

The idea to have one workspace for each version is always the safest route to take, with each of your project imported into each respective workspace.

Note, you have to make sure your java is correctly installed (which should be already good for you, but just in case):

Installing Helios 3.6 on Ubuntu 10.10 is rather simple.
Download eclipse package from and extract it to a folder in your home directory.

The tricky part is setting up java6-jdk from the sun partner repository but there is a easy to follow guide:
basically you have to enable the partner repository, then install java6 jdk with:

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin

and then if necessary update your java alternatives with:

# shows a list with available java alternatives:
sudo update-java-alternatives -l

# sets the alternative
sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun
sudo update-alternatives --config java

Solution 3

The Eclipse version available through the official Ubuntu channels is 3.5 and should not be manually upgraded to 3.6. You probably will not have write permission to do so.

If you must have 3.6 the easiest way is to download the official distribution from, unzip it and run the eclipse binary directly. This also allows you to fully administer it by yourself with upgrades and extra modules.

Solution 4

The Eclipse version available through the official Ubuntu channels is 3.5 and should not be manually upgraded to 3.6. You probably will not have write permission to do so.

Solution 5

There is a PPA available, that should let you upgrade through package management before the packages reach the Ubuntu repos. Sadly, the packages seem broken right now.


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Jeevan Dongre
Author by

Jeevan Dongre

Geek under construction, Google fanboy, passionate learner, startup lover, business and tech savya, social media addict, biker, musician, extrovert, realistic, seminal, approachable.

Updated on May 17, 2022


  • Jeevan Dongre
    Jeevan Dongre about 2 years

    I have ubuntu 10.10 net book edition installed on my dell studio laptop. I downloaded helios for the eclipse site but when I am not able to run it. I have downloaded eclipse 3.5 from synaptic package manager but I am not able to update eclipse 3.5 to eclipse 3.6. Is der any other way to have updated eclipse? Eclipse 3.6 supports HTML 5.

    Please let me know, thanks a lot in advance

    • greg0ire
      greg0ire over 13 years
      You are "not able to run it"... this is not very precise.
  • Alexander Pogrebnyak
    Alexander Pogrebnyak over 13 years
    On your last topic, you've probably meant same PROJECT, not same WORKSPACE, as workspace cannot round trip 3.5->3.6->3.5. The usual solution is to keep 3.5 and 3.6 versions of workspace in different directories.
  • VonC
    VonC over 13 years
    @Alexander: true. I have included your comment in my answer.
  • Jeevan Dongre
    Jeevan Dongre over 13 years
    Thank you very much its working now.