editing a JSON file with sed


Solution 1

Use python, it's so much easier and on most POSIX systems:

import json
jsonObject = json.load(filename)
jsonObject['name'] = "hello"
json.dump(filename, jsonObject)

And run it:

python parse_json.py

EDIT: To use this in a bash setting, use a here document:


# ...

# set the name variable to something

# ...

# and use it in a here document
parse_json_script=$(mktemp parse_json.XXXX.py)
cat > $parse_json_script << SCRIPT
#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
jsonObject = json.load(filename)
# You can use bash variables in here documents.
# the line below uses the bash variable `name` and inserts it into the python script
jsonObject['name'] = "$name"
json.dump(filename, jsonObject)
python $parse_json_script && rm $parse_json_script

The foregoing script uses a here document to create a python script on the fly and run it to alter the JSON, then removes the parse json script afterwards.

Personally, though, I prefer to use the sh module of python and just write the script in python:

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals 
import sh

# now you can call any command as if it were a python function
sh.ls("-lah") # `ls -lah`, but maybe you use python's `os` module instead

Between python's sh (command execution), os (file manipulation), shutil (recursive file manipulation) and re (regex) modules, I find bash's functionality may be generally completely replaced.

Solution 2

As you stated, sed is not the right tool here, instead, use a proper JSON parser :

INPUT json

$ cat json
  "name": "foobar"

using :

$ jq '.name |= "qux"' json | tee json 

(the latest with work with small files)

or using :

perl -i -MJSON -0ne '
    my $DS = decode_json $_;
    $DS->{name} = "qux";
    print encode_json $DS
' json

remove the -i switch if you want to test the command without editing the file in place


$ cat json
  "name": "qux"

Solution 3

You have the backslashes in the wrong places. ' does not need to be escaped, but the parentheses do. This works:

sed "s/\('name':\)/\1\"hello\"\,/g" /path/to/file.json

Note: I'm assuming that file.json is not a json file but a specially crafted template, otherwise this substitution wouldn't make any sense (the result would not be JSON). Working on JSON files with sed is quite certainly a bad idea, so if you're trying to modify JSON rather than generating it, take a look at jq or so instead.

Solution 4

sed "s/'name':/& \"hello\",/" File

Almost similar to Wintermutes's answer, but here we are avoiding the (grouping) and therefore instead of \1 we use & (pattern matched). Also, global substitution (g) is not required if only one occurence of 'name': in each line. I'm not sure if sed is the right tool for the job though. I do not know JSON yet. :-)

Tom Oakley
Author by

Tom Oakley

I am a Software Developer, currently focussing on React Native development at TotallyMoney. I have experience with many facets of JavaScript, including Node.js and ES6, frameworks including React (and Redux, Flow and Styled Components) and Angular (2+, TypeScript). I have used build systems including Webpack, Gulp and Grunt. I practice test-driven development and have used many testing frameworks including Jasmine, Mocha, Chai, Jest (for React) and utilise test coverage reports produced by Instanbul/Karma. I also use functional JavaScript libraries including Ramda and Lodash. In terms of front-end development, I also have extensive experience with CSS(3) and use Sass or PostCSS as a pre-processor to write my CSS code. I have extensive experience with HTML5. I am extremely comfortable working with all manor of APIs for different services and I know the principles behind what makes a good ReSTful API and have also explored Facebook's GraphQL model for APIs. Git and version control is a natural part of my workflow and have used this for many years. I also know about PHP and WordPress development, having WP development for a number of years. I am confident using SQL and associated database types including Postgres and SQLite3, and also NoSQL solutions such as MongoDB and Key-Value stores such as Redis. I have experience with DevOps and deployment including Continous Integration services such as Jenkins and Travis and am comfortable using Amazon Web Services and Digital Ocean, and using Bash scripting on the command line. Currently not open to new opportunities.

Updated on June 28, 2022


  • Tom Oakley
    Tom Oakley almost 2 years

    I need to edit a JSON file, using sed, to add some data in to the file. The JSON is as follows:

      // more attributes that are already filled in 

    I have written this sed command to try and do it:

    sed "s/(\'name\':)/\1\"hello\"\,/g" /path/to/file.json

    However, I keep getting this error:

    sed: \1 not defined in the RE

    The expected results are:

      'name': "hello",
      // more attributes here, left untouched

    I know this is a bad way of doing it, but I don't think I am able to use tools such as jq because the file will be edited on a server and I cannot install jq on the server. If anyone has a better solution i'd be very interested to hear it. Thank you!