Elastic(search): Get docs with max and min timestamp values


Solution 1

Here's a solution in a single search based on the approach proposed by Sloan Ahrens. The advantage is that the start and end session entries are in the same bucket.

"aggs": {
  "group_by_uid": {
     "terms": {
        "field": "user_id"
     "aggs": {
        "group_by_sid": {
           "terms": {
              "field": "session_id"
           "aggs": {
              "session_start": {
                 "top_hits": {
                    "size": 1,
                    "sort": [ { "timestamp": { "order": "asc" } } ]
              "session_end": {
                 "top_hits": {
                    "size": 1,
                    "sort": [ { "timestamp": { "order": "desc" } } ]

Cheers, Jan

Solution 2

You're already close. How about this. Use two searches, each aggregating the way you did, but then also get the first top_hit sorting on "timestamp".

I just set up a basic index and added some data that looks like what you posted:

PUT /test_index
    "settings": {
        "number_of_shards": 1

POST /test_index/_bulk

Then I can get each session's start time with:

POST /test_index/_search?search_type=count
   "aggs": {
      "group_by_uid": {
         "terms": {
            "field": "user_id"
         "aggs": {
            "group_by_sid": {
               "terms": {
                  "field": "session_id"
               "aggs": {
                  "session_start": {
                     "top_hits": {
                        "size": 1,
                        "sort": [ { "timestamp": { "order": "asc" } } ]
   "took": 5,
   "timed_out": false,
   "_shards": {
      "total": 1,
      "successful": 1,
      "failed": 0
   "hits": {
      "total": 6,
      "max_score": 0,
      "hits": []
   "aggregations": {
      "group_by_uid": {
         "buckets": [
               "key": "bob",
               "doc_count": 3,
               "group_by_sid": {
                  "buckets": [
                        "key": "1",
                        "doc_count": 3,
                        "session_start": {
                           "hits": {
                              "total": 3,
                              "max_score": null,
                              "hits": [
                                    "_index": "test_index",
                                    "_type": "doc",
                                    "_id": "4",
                                    "_score": null,
                                    "_source": {
                                       "timestamp": "2015-03-17T18:05:04.563Z",
                                       "session_id": "1",
                                       "user_id": "bob"
                                    "sort": [
               "key": "jan",
               "doc_count": 3,
               "group_by_sid": {
                  "buckets": [
                        "key": "1",
                        "doc_count": 3,
                        "session_start": {
                           "hits": {
                              "total": 3,
                              "max_score": null,
                              "hits": [
                                    "_index": "test_index",
                                    "_type": "doc",
                                    "_id": "1",
                                    "_score": null,
                                    "_source": {
                                       "timestamp": "2015-03-17T15:05:04.563Z",
                                       "session_id": "1",
                                       "user_id": "jan"
                                    "sort": [

and end-time with:

POST /test_index/_search?search_type=count
   "aggs": {
      "group_by_uid": {
         "terms": {
            "field": "user_id"
         "aggs": {
            "group_by_sid": {
               "terms": {
                  "field": "session_id"
               "aggs": {
                  "session_end": {
                     "top_hits": {
                        "size": 1,
                        "sort": [ { "timestamp": { "order": "desc" } } ]
   "took": 2,
   "timed_out": false,
   "_shards": {
      "total": 1,
      "successful": 1,
      "failed": 0
   "hits": {
      "total": 6,
      "max_score": 0,
      "hits": []
   "aggregations": {
      "group_by_uid": {
         "buckets": [
               "key": "bob",
               "doc_count": 3,
               "group_by_sid": {
                  "buckets": [
                        "key": "1",
                        "doc_count": 3,
                        "session_end": {
                           "hits": {
                              "total": 3,
                              "max_score": null,
                              "hits": [
                                    "_index": "test_index",
                                    "_type": "doc",
                                    "_id": "6",
                                    "_score": null,
                                    "_source": {
                                       "timestamp": "2015-03-17T18:15:04.563Z",
                                       "session_id": "1",
                                       "user_id": "bob"
                                    "sort": [
               "key": "jan",
               "doc_count": 3,
               "group_by_sid": {
                  "buckets": [
                        "key": "1",
                        "doc_count": 3,
                        "session_end": {
                           "hits": {
                              "total": 3,
                              "max_score": null,
                              "hits": [
                                    "_index": "test_index",
                                    "_type": "doc",
                                    "_id": "3",
                                    "_score": null,
                                    "_source": {
                                       "timestamp": "2015-03-17T15:15:04.563Z",
                                       "session_id": "1",
                                       "user_id": "jan"
                                    "sort": [

Here's the code I used:


Author by


Updated on August 11, 2022


  • Jan
    Jan over 1 year

    I got a problem with a search I just can't figure out how to do it. My docs are of the following form:


    Let's say the first timestamp of a session id is the "Login" and the last timestamp is the "Logout". I want to have all "login" and "logout" docs for all sessions (if possible sorted by user_id). I managed to get the right timestamps with aggregations:

    "aggs" : {
        "group_by_uid" : {
            "terms" : { 
                "field" : "user_id"
            "aggs" : {
                "group_by_sid" : {
                    "terms" : {
                        "field" : "session_id"
                    "aggs" : {
                        "max_date" : {
                            "max": { "field" : "timestamp" }
                        "min_date" : {
                            "min": { "field" : "timestamp" }

    But how do I get the corresponding docs? I also don't mind if i have to do 2 searches (one for the logins and one for the logouts). I tried tome top hits aggregations and sorting stuff but I always get parse errors :/

    I hope someone can give me a hint :)

    Best regards, Jan