Enable button in flutter when scrollbar is at the bottom of the list


Here you have a basic example, enable the button when reach the bottom, and disable when reach the top.

        class ExampleState extends State<Example> {
          final list = List.generate((40), (val) => "val $val");
          final ScrollController _controller = new ScrollController();
          var reachEnd = false;

          _listener() {
            final maxScroll = _controller.position.maxScrollExtent;
            final minScroll = _controller.position.minScrollExtent;
            if (_controller.offset >= maxScroll) {
              setState(() {
                reachEnd = true;

            if (_controller.offset <= minScroll) {
              setState(() {
                reachEnd = false;

          void initState() {

          void dispose() {

          Widget build(BuildContext context) {
            return Stack(children: [
                top: 0.0,
                bottom: 50.0,
                width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
                child: ListView.builder(
                  controller: _controller,
                  itemBuilder: (context, index) {
                    return ListTile(
                      title: Text(list[index]),
                  itemCount: list.length,
                  alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter,
                  child: RaisedButton(
                    child: Text("button"),
                    color: Colors.blue,
                    onPressed: reachEnd ? () => null : null,
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He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger. -- Confucius

Updated on December 06, 2022


  • Pritam
    Pritam over 1 year

    Can anyone post a sample flutter code to enable a button when the scrollbar is at the bottom of the list?

    I used NotificationListener and NotificationListener but event is not firing when scrollbar is at the bottom of the list.

    I want to enable the button only when the scrollbar is at the bottom of the list else it should be disabled.

    Below is the code that I am using.

    class _TermsAndCondnsPage extends State<TermsAndCondnsPage> {
    bool _isButtonEnabled = false;
    bool _scrollingStarted() {
    setState(() => _isButtonEnabled = false);
    return false;
    bool _scrollingEnded() {
    setState(() => _isButtonEnabled = true);
    return true;
    ScrollController scrollcontroller;
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    var acceptAndContinueButtonPressed;
    if (_isButtonEnabled) {
      acceptAndContinueButtonPressed = () {};
    } else {
      acceptAndContinueButtonPressed == null;
    return new Scaffold(
      appBar: new AppBar(
        automaticallyImplyLeading: false,
        title: new Text('Terms And Conditions', textAlign: TextAlign.center),
              onNotification: (_) => _scrollingStarted(),
              child: NotificationListener<ScrollEndNotification>(
                onNotification: (_) => _scrollingEnded(),
                child: new MaterialApp(
                  home: new Scaffold(
                    body: new SingleChildScrollView(
                      controller: scrollcontroller,
                      child: new Column(
                        children: <Widget>[
                          new Center(
                            child: new HtmlView(
                              data: html,
                    persistentFooterButtons: <Widget>[
                      new RaisedButton(
                          color: Colors.blue,
                          onPressed: _isButtonEnabled ? () {} : null,
                          child: new Text(
                            'Accept and Continue',
                            style: new TextStyle(
                              color: Colors.white,
    String html = '''
    <p>Sample HTML</p>
    • diegoveloper
      diegoveloper over 5 years
      Could you put your code in the question ?