Entity Framework - Capitalizing first property name letter


Solution 1

Yes there is. Here you can see the full example:

using System;
using System.Data.Entity;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class MyDbContext : DbContext
        protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
            modelBuilder.Properties().Configure(c =>
                var name = c.ClrPropertyInfo.Name;
                var newName = char.ToLower(name[0]) + name.Substring(1);

        public MyDbCondenxt(string cs) : base(cs)


        public DbSet<MyModel> MyModels { get; set; }


    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var context = new MyDbContext ("DefaultConnection");
            context.MyModels.Add(new MyModel{SomeText = "hello"});


    class MyModel
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string SomeText { get; set; }


The property name is "SomeText" and the column name is "someText".

Solution 2

I dont know of a solution level but you can set an attribute on your entity

public class MyEntity{}

Solution 3

Achieving this is not impossible, but it's not going to be easy. Some of it depends which type of ef model you're working with, either code first or database/model first (they are similar in this regard), or if you're using the old ObjectContext based methods.

In general, EF uses T4 templating to create the actual classes and models in all but code first, so it's possible to edit the T4 templates and generate whatever you want, such as automatically generating properties with PascalCasing.

If you're using Code first (which doesn't really require that you code first, it's a terrible name) then you can use the Entity Framework power tools to reverse engineer your database to code first models, and again it uses T4 to do this.

If you're using actual code first (ie you create your models and generate your database from the model), then it may not be possible in the existing EF5 or lower. EF6 (currently in alpha) has something known as custom conventions that you could probably use for this, but it's still a long way from production quality.

Solution 4

Earlier I also had that kind of problem. So I simply write a tool in c# to rename the existing edmx file and then after the renaming each section of edmx file,Next using T4 template regenerate the Poco classes. It resolved my problem. It generates the expected POCO classes with Camel Case properties. Basically in the edmx we have 3 layers. So we need to modify 2 layers of them.

  • MappingsSection
  • ConceptualModelsSection

Please find the following class to do that.

namespace Edmx_Manager_V1._0
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Xml;

    public static class RenameManager
        public static XmlDocument Document = new XmlDocument();
        public static string FilePath;
        public static XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr;

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the conceptual models section.
        /// </summary>
        public static void UpdateConceptualModelsSection()

            ///////////////////////update ConceptualModels section//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

            XmlNodeList Schema = Document.SelectNodes("/edmx:Edmx/edmx:Runtime/edmx:ConceptualModels/edm:Schema", nsmgr);

            XmlNode SchemaNode = Schema[0];
            XmlElement SchemaNodeXmlElement = SchemaNode as XmlElement;

            //get all EntitySet nodes under  EntityContainer node
            XmlNodeList EntitySetlist = SchemaNodeXmlElement.GetElementsByTagName("EntitySet");

            //get all EntityType nodes under  SchemaNode
            XmlNodeList EntityTypelist = SchemaNodeXmlElement.GetElementsByTagName("EntityType");

            foreach (XmlNode EntityTypenode in EntityTypelist)

                //to call GetElementsByTagName we need XmlElement object
                XmlElement EntityTypenodeelement = EntityTypenode as XmlElement;

                //get all PropertyRef nodes under  EntityType node
                XmlNodeList PropertyReflist = EntityTypenodeelement.GetElementsByTagName("PropertyRef");

                foreach (XmlNode PropertyRefnode in PropertyReflist)
                    //update name attribute of Key/PropertyRef nodes
                    XmlAttribute PropertyRef_nameAttribute = PropertyRefnode.Attributes["Name"];
                    PropertyRef_nameAttribute.Value = UppercaseFirst(PropertyRef_nameAttribute.Value);

                //get all Property nodes under  EntityType node
                XmlNodeList Propertylist = EntityTypenodeelement.GetElementsByTagName("Property");

                foreach (XmlNode Propertynode in Propertylist)
                    //update name attribute of PropertyRef nodes
                    XmlAttribute Property_nameAttribute = Propertynode.Attributes["Name"];
                    Property_nameAttribute.Value = UppercaseFirst(Property_nameAttribute.Value);

                //get all NavigationProperty nodes under  EntityType node
                XmlNodeList NavigationPropertylist = EntityTypenodeelement.GetElementsByTagName("NavigationProperty");

                foreach (XmlNode NavigationPropertynode in NavigationPropertylist)
                    //update name attribute of NavigationProperty nodes
                    XmlAttribute NavigationPropertynode_nameAttribute = NavigationPropertynode.Attributes["Name"];
                    NavigationPropertynode_nameAttribute.Value = UppercaseFirst(NavigationPropertynode_nameAttribute.Value) + "s";// we append "s" for nav properties

            //get  Association node under  Schema node
            XmlNodeList Associationlist = SchemaNodeXmlElement.GetElementsByTagName("Association");

            //get all Association nodes and process
            foreach (XmlNode AssociationNode in Associationlist)
                if (AssociationNode != null)
                    XmlElement AssociationNodeXmlElement = AssociationNode as XmlElement;
                    //get all end nodes under Association
                    XmlNodeList EndNodelist2 = AssociationNodeXmlElement.GetElementsByTagName("End");

                    //get all PropertyRef nodes under Association
                    XmlNodeList PropertyReflist2 = AssociationNodeXmlElement.GetElementsByTagName("PropertyRef");

                    foreach (XmlNode PropertyRefNode2 in PropertyReflist2)
                        //update Type attribute
                        XmlAttribute PropertyRefNode2Attribute = PropertyRefNode2.Attributes["Name"];
                        PropertyRefNode2Attribute.Value = UppercaseFirst(PropertyRefNode2Attribute.Value);

            Console.WriteLine("ConceptualModelSection updated..");

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the mappings section.
        /// </summary>
        public static void UpdateMappingsSection()

            ///////////////////////update edmx:Mappings section//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

            XmlNodeList EntityContainerMapping = Document.SelectNodes("/edmx:Edmx/edmx:Runtime/edmx:Mappings/cs:Mapping", nsmgr);
            XmlNode EntityContainerMapping_Node = EntityContainerMapping[0];
            XmlElement EntityContainerMappingNode_XmlElement = EntityContainerMapping_Node as XmlElement;

            // update name attribute of all EntitySetMapping nodes

            //get all EntitySetMapping nodes
            XmlNodeList EntitySetMappinglist = EntityContainerMappingNode_XmlElement.GetElementsByTagName("EntitySetMapping");

            //get all EntityTypeMapping nodes
            XmlNodeList EntityTypeMappinglist = EntityContainerMappingNode_XmlElement.GetElementsByTagName("EntityTypeMapping");

            //get all ScalarProperty nodes
            XmlNodeList ScalarPropertyist = EntityContainerMappingNode_XmlElement.GetElementsByTagName("ScalarProperty");

            foreach (XmlNode ScalarPropertyNode in ScalarPropertyist)
                XmlAttribute nameAttribute = ScalarPropertyNode.Attributes["Name"];
                nameAttribute.Value = UppercaseFirst(nameAttribute.Value);

            Console.WriteLine("MappingSection updated..");

        /// <summary>
        /// Uppercases the first.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static string UppercaseFirst(string name)

            return char.ToUpper(name[0]) + name.Substring(1);


Usage :

            RenameManager.FilePath = @"C:\Users\therath\testApp\Model1.edmx";
            // Path of edmx file in the your solution
            RenameManager.nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(RenameManager.Document.NameTable);
            RenameManager.nsmgr.AddNamespace("edmx", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2008/10/edmx");
            RenameManager.nsmgr.AddNamespace("edm", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2008/09/edm");
            //nsmgr.AddNamespace("ssdl", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2009/02/edm/ssdl");
            RenameManager.nsmgr.AddNamespace("cs", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2008/09/mapping/cs");


            catch (Exception ex)

If you generate the edmx again you may need to run this tool again.

Solution 5

there are ways to do that , some of are already pointed out by others..

i found one class which does that ...

namespace System.Data.Entity.ModelConfiguration.Conventions
  /// <summary>
 /// Convention to convert any data types that were explicitly specified, via data     annotations or <see cref="T:System.Data.Entity.DbModelBuilder"/> API,
 ///                 to be lower case. The default SqlClient provider is case   sensitive and requires data types to be lower case. This convention 
///                 allows the <see   cref="T:System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ColumnAttrbiute"/> and <see cref="T:System.Data.Entity.DbModelBuilder"/> API to be case insensitive.
/// </summary>
public sealed class ColumnTypeCasingConvention : IDbConvention<DbTableColumnMetadata>,   IConvention
  internal ColumnTypeCasingConvention()

[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1308:NormalizeStringsToUppercase")]
void IDbConvention<DbTableColumnMetadata>.Apply(DbTableColumnMetadata tableColumn, DbDatabaseMetadata database)
  if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tableColumn.TypeName))
  tableColumn.TypeName = tableColumn.TypeName.ToLowerInvariant();

} }

explicit implementation of idbconvertion does that thing which you can implement

another one is to

go to solution => and find folder obj/debug/edmxresourcestoembed

there are three files db.csdl , db.msl , db.ssdl edit msl file => you 'll see mapping for each table like as under.

 <EntitySetMapping Name="Address">
  <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="IsTypeOf(AdventureWorksLTModel.Address)">
    <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Address">
      <ScalarProperty Name="AddressID" ColumnName="AddressID" />
      <ScalarProperty Name="AddressLine1" ColumnName="AddressLine1" />
      <ScalarProperty Name="AddressLine2" ColumnName="AddressLine2" />
      <ScalarProperty Name="City" ColumnName="City" />
      <ScalarProperty Name="StateProvince" ColumnName="StateProvince" />
      <ScalarProperty Name="CountryRegion" ColumnName="CountryRegion" />
      <ScalarProperty Name="PostalCode" ColumnName="PostalCode" />
      <ScalarProperty Name="rowguid" ColumnName="rowguid" />
      <ScalarProperty Name="ModifiedDate" ColumnName="ModifiedDate" />
Mikey S.
Author by

Mikey S.

Ruby on Rails Developer @ GetTaxi

Updated on June 07, 2022


  • Mikey S.
    Mikey S. almost 2 years

    In general, I tend to name my sql database columns using the following camel case convention:

    camelCase (notice that the first letter is in lower case).

    But when working with C#, I like to name my object's public properties in the following convention:

    CamelCase (notice the first is in uppwer case).

    Entity Framework's default behaviour is to name the created classes' properties to match their relative column names as they are in the database.

    Is there any property in the project/solution level which can be changed in order to solve this issue?

  • Mikey S.
    Mikey S. almost 13 years
    Thanks, although I'm looking for something which will affect the entire model since it's kind of a hassle to go through the entire set of properties for each class.
  • Mikey S.
    Mikey S. almost 13 years
    Thanks, although I'm looking for something which will affect the entire model since it's kind of a hassle to go through the entire set of properties for each class.
  • Poulad
    Poulad over 6 years
    I'm using EF Core 2.0.0 and it seems modelBuilder.Properties() doesn't exist. Are there any other solutions for EF Core?
  • Poulad
    Poulad over 6 years