ERROR: Error installing json: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension


Solution 1

To help you here are some steps to follow in order to install your gem locally:

  1. Download json-1.8.3.
  2. Place the downloaded gem into a folder called gems
  3. Open the Ruby cmd console (click on start button, select Ruby then select "Start command prompt with Ruby")
  4. cd to the gems folder. If the path to the folder is C:\Desktop\gems, write the command: cd C:\Desktop\gems then click "Enter".
  5. To install the gem run the following command:

    gem install --local json-1.8.3.gem

I tried it and it worked for me, hopefully it will work for you.

Result: enter image description here

Second way:

Include the whole path of the gem in the command:

gem install --local C:\Users\kedarl\Desktop\T\json-1.8.2.gem

For me here is the result. (This time with the json-1.8.2.gem):

enter image description here

Solution 2

For anyone who has this issue on Sierra, I solved the problem through this thread:

Coles notes version is that after updating to most recent version of XCode, I had to accept the terms for the XCode command line tools. See them/agree to them by running:

gcc --version

After I did that, everything installed as expected.

Author by


Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Kedar
    Kedar almost 2 years

    I am trying to install gem json and getting error for json.

    I'm running:

    • Windows 8.1 (64 bit)
    • Ruby: ruby 1.9.3p545 (2014-02-24) [i386-mingw32]
    • gem: 1.8.2
    D:\GIT\calabash>gem install json -v '1.8.3'
    Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
    The system cannot find the path specified.
    ERROR: Error installing json:
    ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
    C:/Ruby193/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb
    creating Makefile
    Gem files will remain installed in C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/json-1.8.3 for inspection.
    Results logged to C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/json-1.8.3/ext/json/ext/generator/gem_make.out
  • Kedar
    Kedar almost 9 years
    it show another error i.e. C:\Users\kedarl\Desktop\T>gem install --local json-1.8.3.gem Building native extensions. This could take a while... The system cannot find the path specified. ERROR: Error installing json-1.8.3.gem: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. C:/Ruby193/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb creating Makefile Gem files will remain installed in C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/json-1.8. 3 for inspection. Results logged to C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/json-1.8.3/ext/json/ext/‌​ge nerator/gem_make.out
  • Mourad
    Mourad almost 9 years
    Is Devkit installed in your machine
  • Kedar
    Kedar almost 9 years
    Yes. C:\Devkit>ruby dk.rb init [INFO] found RubyInstaller v1.9.3 at C:/Ruby193 Initialization complete! Please review and modify the auto-generated 'config.yml' file to ensure it contains the root directories to all of the installed Rubies you want enhanced by the DevKit. C:\Devkit>ruby dk.rb install --force [INFO] Updating convenience notice gem override for 'C:/Ruby193' [INFO] Installing 'C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/site_ruby/devkit.rb'
  • Kedar
    Kedar almost 9 years
    I updated devkit\bin path and -> C:\Users\kedarl\Desktop\T>gem install --local json-1.8.3.gem Temporarily enhancing PATH to include DevKit... Building native extensions. This could take a while... The system cannot find the path specified. ERROR: Error installing json-1.8.3.gem: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. C:/Ruby193/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb creating Makefile Gem files will remain installed in C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/json-1.8. 3 for inspection. Results logged to C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/json-1.8.3/ext/json/ext/‌​ge nerator/gem_make.out
  • Mourad
    Mourad almost 9 years
    I believe it is a problem of devkit version which one are you installing in your machine
  • Kedar
    Kedar almost 9 years
    Devkit Version : DevKit-tdm-32-4.5.2-20111229-1559-sfx which version is recommended? tried second way too, but observation is same. I only set a single devkit path in user variable Path "C:\Devkit\bin"
  • Mourad
    Mourad almost 9 years
    That is the same version i have and it is the one that goes with ruby1.9.3, all that you can do now is delete that version and try to install it again follwing these