Error no such file or directory 'bower_components'


Solution 1

Ok I made it. It's working only when I do it in this order:

  1. yo backbone
  2. grunt
  3. bower cache clean
  4. delete all project files made by 'yo backbone' command
  5. yo backbone
  6. grunt
  7. grunt server

I know its kinda odd, but I really have to do it like that.

Solution 2

I just had a similar problem, ran across this post while trying to troubleshoot. I figured it out with a hint I found in a closed GitHub issue for the Yeoman project.

The solution for me was to delete my ~/.bower directory (Mac) and run bower install again in my project's main directory. Once I did that, I found the bower_components directory was where it was supposed to be, and the sample project running as expected. It looks like you're on a Windows machine though, and I'm not sure where that Bower directory is located for you, but if you can find it, give this a try.

Solution 3

It's much simpler than all that. The problem isn't with Bower or Grunt-Karma. The problem happens before that. You need Git to install those components. Up to a certain point Node package manager (npm) handles everything. But certain things need Git.

So, you're using Windows and either you haven't installed Git or you're attempting to run this through the cmd shell. If you have Git installed run Yeoman through the Git Bash or else to set it up to run from the cmd shell also go to:

  • Start Menu > right-click on Computer > Properties
  • On the left, go to Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables

Here under System Variables scroll down and find Path. Click Edit... and enter the path to the Git Bash. It's important to place a semi-colon before the path already there to seperate them. Also you don't need quotes or the actual sh.exe. It should look something like this:

C:\Ruby193\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;C:\Program Files\nodejs\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\

So you can see first we have Ruby, then the system32, then nodejs and finally git. This is just some of what you'll probably see. Don't change anything just add git onto the end.

To test if it worked, from cmd type git and hit enter. If you get back 'git' unrecognised it hasn't worked. If you get back git stuff you're good to go. Yeoman will work fine from now through cmd

Solution 4

I moved my project to a different directory and experienced this issue. Just needed to move .bowerrc from the old project directory to the new one.

Don't forget your hidden files, kids! They won't move themselves.

Solution 5

I usually write a startup script for stuff like this for Yeoman apps:

mkdir ~/projectdir/app/bower_components

cd ~/projectdir/app/

sudo apt-get install ruby           &&
sudo gem install sass compass       &&
npm install                         &&
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli       &&
sudo npm install -g bower           &&
Author by


Updated on July 09, 2022


  • norbert
    norbert almost 2 years

    I am trying to make my first yeoman app. I followed every step in the below link:

    When I execute yo webapp everything goes well.

    But when I use the grunt command I am faced with the following error:

        grunt --trace
        Running "jshint:all" (jshint) task
        >> 4 files lint free.
        Running "clean:server" (clean) task
        Cleaning ".tmp"...OK
        Running "concurrent:test" (concurrent) task
        Running "coffee:dist" (coffee) task
            Warning: Errno::ENOENT on line ["33"] of C: No such file or directory - C:/D
        ysk Google/Sublime/Norbert/motocycle/app/bower_components
            Run with --trace to see the full backtrace Use --force to continue.
            Aborted due to warnings.

    I looked for bower_components folder - it does not exist. I know I can change directory in the .bowerrc file, but i do not know which directory is right, I cannot find it.

    EDIT : Programs versions:

    C:\Dysk Google\Sublime\Norbert\motocycle>grunt --version
    grunt-cli v0.1.8
    grunt v0.4.1
    C:\Dysk Google\Sublime\Norbert\motocycle>yo --version
    C:\Dysk Google\Sublime\Norbert\motocycle>bower --version
    C:\Dysk Google\Sublime\Norbert\motocycle>npm view generator-webapp
    npm http GET
    npm http 200
    { name: 'generator-webapp',
      description: 'Default Yeoman generator for scaffolding out a front-end web app
      'dist-tags': { latest: '0.2.2' },
       [ '0.1.0',
         '0.2.2' ],
      maintainers: 'sindresorhus <[email protected]>',
       { '0.1.0': '2013-02-14T18:59:31.790Z',
         '0.1.1': '2013-02-14T20:50:59.965Z',
         '0.1.2': '2013-02-15T16:08:42.448Z',
         '0.1.3': '2013-02-15T23:08:13.255Z',
         '0.1.4': '2013-02-16T01:02:02.732Z',
         '0.1.5': '2013-02-25T19:56:03.458Z',
         '0.1.6': '2013-04-08T21:07:10.932Z',
         '0.1.7': '2013-04-10T22:12:39.652Z',
         '0.2.0': '2013-05-13T17:53:11.177Z',
         '0.2.1': '2013-05-13T18:06:06.017Z',
         '0.2.2': '2013-05-13T18:09:12.609Z' },
      author: 'Chrome Developer Relations',
       { type: 'git',
         url: 'git://' },
      users: { passy: true },
      version: '0.2.2',
       [ 'yeoman-generator',
         'modernizr' ],
      homepage: '',
      bugs: '',
      main: 'app/index.js',
      scripts: { test: 'mocha --reporter spec' },
       { 'yeoman-generator': '~0.11.1',
         cheerio: '~0.10.8' },
      peerDependencies: { 'generator-mocha': '~0.1.1' },
      devDependencies: { mocha: '~1.9.0' },
      engines: { node: '>=0.8.0' },
      licenses: { type: 'BSD' },
      readmeFilename: '',
       { shasum: 'd9f69e7dbf0fd680b30abaf710d47fe38e50fd12',
         tarball: '
    .2.tgz' },
      directories: {} }
  • norbert
    norbert almost 11 years
    I've tried to make ( on clean folder ): 1. yo webapp, 2. npm uninstall bower ( console told me it wasnt installed ), 3. npm install bower, 4. grunt. Ended like before - Warning: Errno::ENOENT on line ["33"] of C: No such file or directory - C:/D ysk Google/Sublime/Norbert/motocycle/app/bower_components
  • norbert
    norbert over 10 years
    I had git and system vars working all the time, so it could have not been the problem :<
  • Luke Watts
    Luke Watts over 10 years
    Yeah, my situation was fixed by the above but after reading the git issues for both generator-karma and generator-angular the issue was (in some cases) you needed to run yo generator-angular && generator-karma because karma wasn;t being installed with it by default. Updates have fixed this npm update generator-angular -g or whatever the generator you where using....
  • imwill
    imwill over 10 years
    The same happened to me. I'm on Linux Mint though.
  • Nikos Baxevanis
    Nikos Baxevanis over 10 years
    Thanks! Also running bower install without removing the folder worked :)
  • Craicerjack
    Craicerjack almost 10 years
    I'm working with Ubuntu and had just put a fresh install and forgot to download git, which was the problem for me. Thanks for that.