Error: Setting VM flags failed: unrecognized flags: disable-dart-dev


Basically you had a missing PATH variable to the powershell executable. You can find it in the directory : C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0. After that close all cmd's and powershell windows and reopen and run flutter doctor -v to setup Flutter SDK properly. This may take some minutes, like if it starts downloading Dart SDK too. Also if you are on master branch try switching to stable branch.

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Updated on December 21, 2022


    AMISHA NARSINGANI over 1 year

    When I create or clone a flutter project in android studio it shows "Error creating project Setting VM flags failed: Unrecognized flags:disable-dart-dev"

    I am using Android Studio version 4.0 and I have made couple of android and flutter apps before. Creating or running project never generated errors.

    After cloning the project, I have tried "Pub get" command and "get dependencies" command which gave the Unrecognized flags error. To give it a try, I also run the "upgrade dependencies" command which gives me another error: "Flutter device daemon #3: process exited during startup. Exit code: 255, stderr: Setting VM flags failed: Unrecognized flags: disable-dart-dev"

    For information, I already have updated versions of flutter(1.17.2) and dart plugins. The cloned Project name is "magic-8-ball-flutter" github link for the cloned project

    upgrade dependencies error after cloning project opening a cloned flutter project

    creating a project error when creating a new flutter project