Error while loading shared libraries: /usr/local/lib64/


Solution 1

Sometime when you want climb the mountain you looking just the top without checking if something can help you on the base...

In my case I solved just exporting LD_LIBRARY_PATH before compile it again.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib64

and after

sudo ldconfig

that should keep saved the path also after rebooting machine (and also for next times)

Solution 2

thanks to levitte, RenatoXSR

for OpenSSL 1.1.0g, CentOS 7.2.1511, you can try this

sudo bash -c "echo '/usr/local/lib64' >> /etc/"
sudo ldconfig

this link explains the cause of problem

The use of RPATH is inconsistent. On some systems, considers RPATH before even looking at LD_LIBRARY_PATH, which makes it hard to override, for example when testing a new OpenSSL build (!). We did so in pre-1.1.0 versions by hacking LD_PRELOAD, but there are some sanitizers that do not agree with that, which makes life hard as well, for example when testing a new OpenSSL build (!)

this link gave an solution example

Solution 3

I know this is late but in my case I did not have the on my server. There was a recommendation here to install openssl11-libs but not openssl11 as installing it could create problems.

Confirm you dont have on your server probably by trying locate

Simply do sudo yum install -y openssl11-libs if you don't have the library on your server.

It worked for me.

Solution 4

Try this:

ldd   -> => not found
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib64/ /usr/lib64/ => /lib64/ (0x00007f17d46c7000)

Solution 5


[mdm@dev openssl-1.1.0e]$ ./Configure linux-x86_64 --prefix=/usr/local --openssldir=/usr/local

In this case, you should configure OpenSSL with:

./Configure linux-x86_64 enable-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128 -Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib64 \
  --prefix=/usr/local --openssldir=/usr/local

OpenSSL does not add RPATHs by default (except on some of the BSDs). You need to manually specify it in your configure command. Once you manually specify it, things will "just work" for you without the need for LD_LIBRARY_PATH tricks.

The enable-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128 is applicable to x86_64. It makes Diffie-Hellman run 2x to 4x faster. The option has some restrictions, so be careful when using it (but you are safe on x86_64).

Also see Compilation and Installation on the OpenSSL wiki. There is a discussion of RPATHs, and a discussion of enable-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128.

Author by


More problem solver than coder... More let it work than sysadmin...

Updated on February 04, 2022


  • fromthestone
    fromthestone about 2 years

    I’m trying to compile openssl-1.1.0e on Centos 7 (7.3.1611) but after i successfully compiled everything without any warning, i get an error when i’m trying any openssl command

    [mdm@dev openssl-1.1.0e]$ openssl version
    openssl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    Is it a bug or my mistake?

    Here below some info about my system/configuration


    [mdm@dev openssl-1.1.0e]$ ./Configure linux-x86_64 --prefix=/usr/local --openssldir=/usr/local

    Make/Make test:

    All tests successful.
    Files=91, Tests=486, 44 wallclock secs ( 0.47 usr  0.08 sys + 27.72 cusr 13.41 csys = 41.68 CPU)
    Result: PASS

    Make install:

    install libcrypto.a -> /usr/local/lib64/libcrypto.a
    install libssl.a -> /usr/local/lib64/libssl.a
    install -> /usr/local/lib64/
    link /usr/local/lib64/ -> /usr/local/lib64/
    install -> /usr/local/lib64/
    link /usr/local/lib64/ -> /usr/local/lib64/

    But if i check with ldd two libraries are not found despite Make install did its job...

    [mdm@dev openssl-1.1.0e]$ ldd /usr/local/bin/openssl =>  (0x00007fffcfe75000)
    /lib/$LIB/ => /lib/lib64/ (0x00007fa5cd77a000) => not found => not found => /lib64/ (0x00007fa5cd55d000) => /lib64/ (0x00007fa5cd341000) => /lib64/ (0x00007fa5ccf7f000)
    /lib64/ (0x00007fa5cd981000)

    I have already installed by distro a version of openssl:

    [mdm@dev]$ openssl version
    OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013
    [mdm@dev]$ which openssl

    yum info openssl:

    Installed Packages
    Name        : openssl
    Arch        : x86_64
    Epoch       : 1
    Version     : 1.0.1e
    Release     : 60.el7_3.1
    Size        : 1.5 M
    Repo        : installed
    From repo   : updates

    Appreciate any help or suggestion!

    • jww
      jww about 7 years
      What does /sbin/ldconfig -p have to offer? Does it show the libraries after an install? Does /sbin/ldconfig -n /usr/local/lib64 help?
    • fromthestone
      fromthestone about 7 years
      yeah, now it's using lib64: => /usr/local/lib64/ (0x00007f48a2c45000) => /usr/local/lib64/ (0x00007f48a27a1000) @jww
  • fromthestone
    fromthestone about 7 years
    here a similar issue on openssl github issue #1740
  • jww
    jww about 7 years => /usr/local/lib/ and => /usr/local/lib/ seems to indicate your are installing into /usr/local/lib, and not /usr/local/lib64. I thought Red Hat and friends like Fedora and CentOS used lib64. I suppose you should use -Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib instead. Maybe you should print the ldd cache with /sbin/ldconfig -p, too. It might have something unexpected.
  • fromthestone
    fromthestone about 7 years
    I have used lib64 because RH & friends working with lib64 everywhere
  • fromthestone
    fromthestone about 7 years
    I think that pointing a symlink to systemwide /lib64 could be not a good idea. In my humble opinion is better to separate what you compiling locally, with what is managed by your system