Event ID 17890 (A significant part... paged out.) with SQL Server 2008


After a talk with Microsoft Support, the official answer is: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2001745

Will not fix, will not workaround, only recommended upgrading operating system to some edition of 2008. I have moved my SQL install and decommissioned the server.


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Krzysztof Wolny
Author by

Krzysztof Wolny

I am a veteran of several startups, deeply technical yet comfortable communicating and operating at the business level without jargon. I have created (and been the principle implementer in most cases) many line of business systems for a various industries (Commercial Insurance, Commercial Printing, Optometry, Aerospace Manufacturing and others). These systems all have over a decade of real world use with the longest running system first implemented in 1985. and its heavily revised descendant remains the cornerstone of operations to this day. I am now involved in yet another startup initiative, this time in the mobile web space. My current interests are in using machine learning techniques for automatic business metric reporting purposes.

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Krzysztof Wolny
    Krzysztof Wolny almost 2 years

    I have a machine that has SQL Server 2008 Standard installed on a Windows 2003 R2 server. Periodically (about once an hour) I am getting Event ID 17890 several times in a row. An example:

    6:28:54 "A significant part of sql server process memory has been paged out. This may result in a performance degradation. Duration: 0 seconds. Working set (KB): 10652, committed (KB): 628428, memory utilization: 1%%.

    6:34:27 "A significant part of sql server process memory has been paged out. This may result in a performance degradation. Duration: 332 seconds. Working set (KB): 169780, committed (KB): 546124, memory utilization: 31%%."

    6:38:55 "A significant part of sql server process memory has been paged out. This may result in a performance degradation. Duration: 600 seconds. Working set (KB): 245068, committed (KB): 546124, memory utilization: 44%%."

    This pattern repeated at 7:26 - 7:37, 8:26 - 8:36, 9:24 - 9:35 and so with the same increasing working set and memory utilization pattern. I don't have any (known) background tasks running at this time. Backups run at 2:00

    This subsided from 11:00 at night until it resumed at 4:00 in the morning and has been continuing the intermittent 10 minute glitch periods.

    As this server has plenty of RAM (the commit charge has peaked at 2,871,564 of 4,194,012 physical) I disabled the paging files after reading several items I dug up searching Google and not finding any of them changing the situation. This pattern I am documented is after removing the paging files, so I'm not even sure where we are paging the SQL process could be going. I also changed the SQL process memory to have a minimum of 500MB and a maximum of 2GB of RAM (as this is a light duty database server serving only a small workgroup).

    Has anyone encountered this? Prior to disabling the page files this error would cause 5 minutes of disk thrashing that disabled access to the databases, files, IIS webs and so on. Since disabling the page files it just logs strange things, but I'm not seeing a performance drop at least. Any suggestions would be welcome.

  • Benjamin Anderson
    Benjamin Anderson over 13 years
    Well, being paged out during idle times isn't as huge a concern as it is during business use. But the paging during idle times could be a result of SQL's own optimizations and tweaking during idle times, but not having enough RAM for the task. That will depend more on the size of the tables and indexes.