Excel: Conditional formatting if cell is not equal to one of multiple values


enter image description here

Select required Data Range and write this Formula as New Rule and apply an appropriate color.

=NOT(OR(G142=0%, G142=6%, G142=12%))

Note, adjust cell reference in the Formula as needed.

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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • P A N
    P A N almost 2 years

    Using Excel, I would like to conditionally highlight a cell, if the value of the cell itself is not one of several values.

    The cell should be contain of the following percentages – 0%, 6%, 12% - or else it should be conditionally formatted to a red background.

    Based on this answer, I would've thought that the below formula would work – but for some reason it doesn't.

    =NOT(OR(D3=0, D3=0.06, D3=0.12))

    D3 is the cell I want to enter a value into, and it's the same cell I wish to be conditionally formatted.

    I create a conditional formatting rule, via New Rule > Style: Classic > Use a formula to determine which cells to format. I then paste the above formula into the formula/range selection field.

    enter image description here

    I get the error There's a problem with this formula:

    enter image description here

    • cybernetic.nomad
      cybernetic.nomad over 5 years
      What version of Excel are you using?
    • P A N
      P A N over 5 years
      @cybernetic.nomad Excel 16.18 for Mac (from Office 365).
    • cybernetic.nomad
      cybernetic.nomad over 5 years
      The formula does exactly what you describe in Excel 2013 on a PC. (complete shot in the dark: are you sure , and the delimiters you should be using? what happens if you use ; instead?)
    • P A N
      P A N over 5 years
      @cybernetic.nomad Thanks! It works if I change the delimiter to ;. It might be Mac thing, or a localization issue. This works: =NOT(OR(D3=0; D3=0.06; D3=0.12)).
  • P A N
    P A N over 5 years
    Using ; as delimiter worked for me: =NOT(OR(D3=0; D3=0.06; D3=0.12)), but it didn't work with , as delimiter in my non-US version of Excel for Mac.
  • Rajesh Sinha
    Rajesh Sinha over 5 years
    @Winterflags,, it's because of regional setting difference,, which is quite obvious ☺ If you feel now you can accept it as answer.