Excel: How to create dynamic data validation list based on data table


Solution 1

I assumed that your data table is in range A1:E7.

Step 1. Create a list of choices for each kid

For each kid create a list with all their preferences listed (at the end of the list I added "-" as placeholders). Enter this formula in G2 and drag to range G2:J7:


Also put kids names above data columns (G1:J1).

Step 2. Create conditional data validation

Given that your first data validation list (name) is in cell L2 and you've followed step 1, use this formula for data validation for food:


This formula both excludes all empty choices ("-") in the list and gives the right list based on kid's name.

UPDATE. Alternative solution with INDEX/MATCH

OFFSET is a volatile formula (i.e. Excel recalculates it whenever there is any change in your workbook) so you might want to do this with INDEX instead. Here is the formula for my step 1 above:


As for the step two, it seems that formula for data validation gets recalculated only when you select the cell so OFFSET doesn't have volatility in data validation lists. As INDEX cannot return a range and Excel doesn't allow INDEX(..):INDEX(..) ranges for data validation, OFFSET is better for data validation lists.

Solution 2

First post alert!!

Here's my approach http://www.mediafire.com/download/sqm41koonqjdz99/DynamicLists.xlsx

It is based on three steps.

Step 1:It uses a series of 5 tables to bash the tables of x's of food/kid likes into something more useful which lists out for each kid, their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc likes followed by #N/A's for any "unused" like positions. The fifth table contains the data validation information - its just a question of picking the right column and the right number of rows from this table.

Step 2: Cells D2 and E2 identify the column and number of rows respectively.

Step 3: A named range called ValidFood is dynamically defined and picks out the right column and rows from the fifth table using an =OFFSET() function. This is the clever bit - you can use functions in the name manager and that's what has been done here. The data validation rule for cell B2 simply makes reference to this named range. Alternatively, the =OFFSET() formula could have been used directly in the data validation rule using the Custom option

I've reviewed the solution in light of Lina's and found them not dissimilar. In both solutions the Step 1's achieve the same thing (except Lina's uses a '-' character in place of my #N/A for an unused choice). Both then pick out the relevant bit of the outcome of Step 1 and apply this to the data validation rule. The difference between them lies in approach: lengthy and nested formula in one (so compact but needing effort to understand) vs more extensive use of the worksheet for recording the detailed steps along the way in the other (less compact but requiring less effort to understand).

Jim White
Author by

Jim White

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Jim White
    Jim White almost 2 years

    Imagine I'm writing a menu-planner in Excel for my kids (easier to describe than my actual problem) ...

    I have a list of available foods: apples, bananas, carrots, dates, eggs, fish, etc.

    I have a list of kids: John, Karen, Lional, Mike, etc.

    Then, I have a simple table that lists the food each kid likes: Under John's column there will be an 'x' against apples, bananas and fish, but blanks against the others.

         J  K  L  M
    a    x  x  x
    b    x     x
    c       x  x  x
    d       x
    e          x  x
    f    x

    Now, in the main part of my menu-planner, I want to have some cells with data validation that allow me to select food for each kid, using the above 'likes' table:

    Name  Food
    A2    B2

    Cell A2 will contain data validation that gives an in-cell drop-down with all kids names (J, K, L, M) (that's easy - I can do that bit!)

    Cell B2 needs to contain a dynamically generated list of foods that are liked by the selected kid. So, if I select John in A2, then B2 list would be {a, b, f}. If I select Lionel, B2 list would be {a, b, c, e}. Clearly, as my kid's tastes change, I can just update my 'likes' table by adding/removing 'x', and the drop-downs in B2 will auto-update.

    How do I create the drop-down validation list for cell B2? (I'd prefer to do this without resorting to VBA please)

  • Jim White
    Jim White over 10 years
    That's perfect - just what I wanted. Thanks also to DMM - as trying to understand these formulae is a bit daunting at first ...
  • Ian McClellan
    Ian McClellan over 10 years
    Could this be done with Index/Match instead of Offset/Match? Or does it need the volatility?
  • lina curious
    lina curious over 10 years
    @IanMcClellan Good point. I have updated my post with alternative index/match solution.
  • KiwiSteve
    KiwiSteve over 8 years
    Pls see my answer below for another method using VLOOKUP