Extract file extension from file path


Solution 1

This is the sort of thing that easily found with R basic tools. E.g.: ??path.

Anyway, load the tools package and read ?file_ext .

Solution 2

Let me extend a little bit great answer from https://stackoverflow.com/users/680068/zx8754

Here is the simple code snippet

  # 1. Load library 'tools'

  # 2. Get extension for file 'test.txt'

The result should be 'txt'.

Solution 3

simple function with no package to load :

getExtension <- function(file){ 
    ex <- strsplit(basename(file), split="\\.")[[1]]

Solution 4

The regexpr above fails if the extension contains non-alnum (see e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_filename_extensions) As an altenative one may use the following function:

getFileNameExtension <- function (fn) {
# remove a path
splitted    <- strsplit(x=fn, split='/')[[1]]   
# or use .Platform$file.sep in stead of '/'
fn          <- splitted [length(splitted)]
ext         <- ''
splitted    <- strsplit(x=fn, split='\\.')[[1]]
l           <-length (splitted)
if (l > 1 && sum(splitted[1:(l-1)] != ''))  ext <-splitted [l] 
# the extention must be the suffix of a non-empty name    


Author by


Hi! I'm Suraj and here is a little about me, on my blog That! But How?

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Suraj
    Suraj almost 2 years

    How can I extract the extension of a file given a file path as a character? I know I can do this via regular expression regexpr("\\.([[:alnum:]]+)$", x), but wondering if there's a built-in function to deal with this?

    IRTFM over 12 years
    It doesn't show up with ??"extensions" although one would have expected that it would.
  • Carl Witthoft
    Carl Witthoft over 12 years
    @DWin: "patience, grasshopper" :-). I would also recommend package:sos . It's very cool.
    IRTFM over 12 years
    Witthof: Color me puzzled on two accounts; how does pkg:sos address that lack of appearance of tools::fiie_ext with ??() when a reasonable person would expect it to; and one would certainly need patience obtain value from a search strategy that delivers 20 pages with 400 hits?
  • Ben Bolker
    Ben Bolker over 12 years
    sos does a full text search. ?? only searches metadata (title, keywords, etc.) Furthermore, it's not that hard to skim the results. (I tried findFn("{file extension}"), "extract {file extension}", and "{extract file extension}", the first was best.)
  • user5359531
    user5359531 almost 7 years
    This would be more useful with an actual code sample
  • Carl Witthoft
    Carl Witthoft almost 7 years
    @user5359531 Did you read ?file-ext ? one-line code sample is kind of silly
  • Rich Scriven
    Rich Scriven over 6 years
    Please scroll up and read the accepted answer to this question.
  • Andrii
    Andrii over 6 years
    Thank you, Rich! I read this comment and add this code just to show how it looks in the simple code snippet. Maybe it will be helpful for someone.
  • MichaelChirico
    MichaelChirico over 6 years
    The functions basename and dirname obviate some of the work here
  • Mikko
    Mikko over 6 years
    @Pisca46: I would like to use a function like this in an R package. Did you write the function? If not, could you add a reference in your answer?
  • Pisca46
    Pisca46 over 6 years
    Yes, I wrote the function myself.
  • Roman Luštrik
    Roman Luštrik over 5 years
    Can you comment how this is an improvement over tools::file_ext?
  • Enrique Pérez Herrero
    Enrique Pérez Herrero over 5 years
    You'd better use tools function
  • Zachary Ryan Smith
    Zachary Ryan Smith over 5 years
    Note well: tools::file_ext('foo.csv.gz') return 'gz', not 'csv.gz'
  • Carl Witthoft
    Carl Witthoft over 5 years
    @ZacharyRyanSmith Well, that's because the extension in your example is "gz" so the code is doing the correct thing. There's no such concept as "double extensions"
  • Zachary Ryan Smith
    Zachary Ryan Smith over 5 years
    @CarlWitthoft, that's true. I was just warning people who confound path suffixes with a file's extension (people like me).
  • Dannid
    Dannid over 4 years
    The other comment may have been first and accepted, but it is nice to see the solution written out. The accepted answer just tells you where you find the answer. This one actually answers the question.
  • Serhii
    Serhii almost 3 years
    The proposed function works incorrectly if the file contains dots in the filename. The function splits the filename and outputs the second element, while it should output the last one. For the following filename 'file.name.txt' the output is 'name', not 'txt'. tools::file_ext works fine.
  • bers
    bers almost 3 years
    Don't use library(tools) when you can simply use tools::file_ext, such as in tools::file_ext("test.txt").