Fast method to check if a Matrix is singular? (non-invertible, det = 0)


Solution 1

Best way is to compute the condition number via SVD and check if it is greater than 1 / epsilon, where epsilon is the machine precision.

If you allow false negatives (ie. a matrix is defective, but your algorithm may not detect it), you can use the max(a_ii) / min(a_ii) formula from the Wikipedia article as a proxy for the condition number, but you have to compute the QR decomposition first (the formula applies to triangular matrices): A = QR with R orthogonal, then cond(A) = cond(Q). There are also techniques to compute the condition number of Q with O(N) operations, but there are more complex.

Solution 2

I agree with Gaussian elimination. documents LU decomposition - after constructing the LU decomposition from a matrix you can call a method on it to get the determinant. My guess is that it is at least worth timing this to compare it with any more specialised scheme.

Author by


Researcher, astrophysicist, computer scientist, programming language expert, software architect and C++ standardization committee member. LinkedIn:

Updated on July 17, 2022


  • Vincent
    Vincent almost 2 years

    What is the fastest algorithm (a link to C or C++ example would be cool) to check if a small square matrix (<16*16 elements) is singular (non-invertible, det = 0) ?

  • phs
    phs about 12 years
    An epsilon distance check from zero is in order for floating point matrices.
  • nhahtdh
    nhahtdh about 12 years
    He will need a meta-program to generate the hard-code formula.
  • Alexandre C.
    Alexandre C. about 12 years
    For n=16 this may well be quite cumbersome to write.
  • Alexandre C.
    Alexandre C. about 12 years
    LU decomposition is the standard way to compute determinants. Determinants are just not the standard way to test defectiveness of a matrix.
  • BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft
    BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft about 12 years
    -1 For n=15 Leibniz's formula will have 1.3 trillion summands. This is not a realistic answer.
  • Michael Conlen
    Michael Conlen over 11 years
    Using LAPACK we can use DGECON/SGECON for double/single precision general matrices or one of the similar routines for matrices with usable structure (banded, symmetric, etc). This uses LU factorization
  • RandomSort
    RandomSort about 11 years
    -1, the issue is not how to generate the code effectively. The issue is with the general time complexity of the problem.