Fetch and display data from database in AngularJs


Solution 1

I've managed to solve that using deferred and promise, here is what I did:

var getMessages = function findAll() {
                function(tx) {
                    var sql = "SELECT (nome) as nomes FROM clientes";
                    tx.executeSql(sql, [],
                        function(tx, results) {
                            var len = results.rows.length,
                                clientes = [],
                                i = 0;
                            for (; i < len; i = i + 1) {
                                clientes[i] = results.rows.item(i).nomes;
                            log(clientes + ' rowsss found');

                function () { }
            return deferred.promise;


        return {
            showClientes: getMessages

The Controller:

.controller('ListaCtrl', function ($scope, dbFactory) {

        dbFactory.showClientes().then(function(listview) {
            $scope.clientes = listview;


And the html:

<ion-view view-title="Playlists" ng-app="starter">
      <ion-item ng-repeat="cliente in clientes">




Now I can see my listview with all my clients.

Solution 2

 .controller('ListaCtrl', function ($scope, dbFactory) {

                       $scope.items = res; //or res.data
                      //error call back

Stack two
Author by

Stack two

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Stack two
    Stack two almost 2 years

    How can I pop the list of my clients on the screen, the list is coming from my database, I have 11 rows of clients and I want to create a listview of those and show them, this is my code:

    dbFactory.method = function findAll() {
            function(tx) {
                var sql = "SELECT (nome) as nomes FROM clientes";
                tx.executeSql(sql, [],
                    function(tx, results) {
                        var len = results.rows.length,
                            clientes = [],
                            i = 0;
                        for (; i < len; i = i + 1) {
                            clientes[i] = results.rows.item(i).nomes;
                        log(clientes + '  found');
            function () {


     .controller('ListaCtrl', function ($scope, dbFactory) {
             $scope.items = dbFactory.method();


    <ion-view view-title="Playlists" ng-app="starter">
      <ion-item ng-repeat="itens in items" >

    The log:

     Promise {$$state: Object, then: function, catch: function, finally: function}
    $$state: Object
    status: 1
    value: SQLResultSet
    insertId: [Exception: DOMException: Failed to read the 'insertId' property from 'SQLResultSet': The query didn't result in any rows being added.]
    rows: SQLResultSetRowList
    length: 11
    __proto__: SQLResultSetRowList
    rowsAffected: 0
  • Ravi Babu Karikati
    Ravi Babu Karikati about 9 years
    use ng-repeat in html
  • Stack two
    Stack two about 9 years
    Thank you for your help, I did it like so: <ion-item ng-repeat="itens in items " > <p>{{itens}}</p> </ion-item> but I got nothing showing
  • Stack two
    Stack two about 9 years
    My controller is set in the route
  • Ravi Babu Karikati
    Ravi Babu Karikati about 9 years
    I understand ur problem...that is returning a promise..U have to resolve that promise inside controller...
  • Ravi Babu Karikati
    Ravi Babu Karikati about 9 years
    I am posting that in answer