FFMpeg : Creating a video clip of approx. 10 seconds when video duration is unknown without audio-


You are most likely after:

ffmpeg -i "A_File.mp4" -ss 00:00:0.0 -t 10 -an "B_File.mp4"

To do it a bit faster you can also try adding -threads $(nproc) eg:

ffmpeg -threads $(nproc) -i "A_File.mp4" -ss 00:00:0.0 -t 10 -an "B_File.mp4"

There is already a substantial number of articles and documentation on achieving these results including:




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We are Borg
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We are Borg

Working in Pune,India. Open to meet new people, attend conferences, good talks. For followup on any answer or any doubt about posts on SO, email at kernelfreak[at]gmail.com :-)

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • We are Borg
    We are Borg almost 2 years

    I am working on a project where I am looking to extract a video clip from an input video. I have found many links(Eg : link) which do this task, but in all this I have to specify video duration.

    Unfortunately I don't have that information as I am giving a file-path. What I am looking for is a 10 seconds clip from the video which is saved at specific location without the audio part.

    My intention is to show that 10 seconds video as a preview of the actual video in the front end, and I don't want to start sound in that.

  • chovy
    chovy about 4 years
    i donj't get any audio
  • I0_ol
    I0_ol over 3 years
    @chovy For audio remove the -an flag